animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch Mr. Chips animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch

Twelve flames shall burn eternally;
one for each of your years on earth.

What a pussycat you were, Mr. Chips.
With bittersweet smiles I will always remember...

Mr. Chips

how you did your thing in the kitchen in England...

Mr. Chips

the day you spotted a frog in the pool...

Mr. Chips

how adorable you looked when you snoozed...

Mr Chips

your reaction upon hearing the can opener...

Mr. Chips

what a cutie you were at two years old


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Oh, Mr. Chips, what an endearing pussycat you were. I feel so guilty that due to my wrong choice of a veterinarian you had to suffer alone as death approached. I'm sorry I wasn't there to hold you and help you gently cross the bridge.

You were always such a joy. I remember the first time I saw you at the East Valley Animal Shelter in North Hollywood. You were approximately 5 weeks old, and what a doll you were. I had such a wonderful bouncy kitten with me, along with Sharif. Then it was off to England and the horrors of quarantine for six months. I visited you every day except on Sundays when they were closed.

Finally the day came when you were able to come home and meet your new sister, Camille. You hid from me a few times since the weather was so great, and I knew my babies wouldn't want to come back till dinner time. We lived in England for two years, then you flew back to Los Angeles with Camille and Sharif... just to greet the awful heat again. Mr. Chips, you developed a crush on an abandoned kitten that was found next door. You took her immediately under your wing and named her Simone. She was your treasure as you were hers. You two were inseperatable from that day on. She still mourns your loss and walks around the house crying. She and Mr. BoJangles don't get along and I know her little heart is empty for you.

You were my "Chips" "Pot Pie" "Ping Pong" "Ping" and "Mr. Chipping", but most of all my dearly beloved friend. I pray that you have now found peace on the other side of the bridge. I loved you very much as did many people. Goodbye, Pussycat. Goodbye, my Mr. Chips.

Mr. Chips
Goodbye, my guy. Goodbye, Mr. Chips.

animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch animated torch

Mr. Chips died of Veterinary Negligence on April 3, 1997 while in the care of an inept practitioner. He was 12 years old. Dr. D.W., I want YOU TO FEEL what Mr. Chips felt. With only two veterinarians in Crescent City, CA., I'll never forgive myself for listening to you and not getting a second opinion from Dr. P.T. who now, after his care of Camille, Simone and Mr. BoJangles, leads me to believe that Mr. Chips would not have suffered and would have still been my "wonderful guy" and Simone's best friend.

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