My Little Miracle


"Josette was born under the house I live, in late April. I was feeding "MAMACAT" and other strays at the time. Mamacat would come out just long enough for me to feed her and then go back under the house to her three kittens, who, when they saw me would just hiss.

Ultimately, when they were about 7 weeks old they started coming out from under the house and would eat with their mother, still afraid of me naturally. One day the landlord came by while I was at work, he called me at work and told me I had to stop feeding the cats or he would evict me.

Consequently, I felt he had no business telling me what to do after walking off his property so I continued feeding them on the property next door. He showed up again, killed two in the litter, and Josette escaped somehow, this also happened when I was at work. I kept feeding this poor kitten that was in obvious shock and still afraid of me.

This went on for another week or so, and then the tenants on the other side of me, where this kitten lived by herself locked her in under their house. At that point I had enough of this inane attitude towards the cats here. I asked these people if they would just remove the cover until the kitten could come out. They decided they didn't speak English. At that moment, I decided to go to the N. Hollywood Police Department, and I must thank them dearly for coming over and telling them to let the kitten out.

It took Josette awhile to come out...but when she did, she started hanging around my front porch. I kept feeding her there...didn't give a damn about the threat of eviction. After a week or so Josette came in the screen door just enough for me to close the door on her. Josette has been inside ever since. Josette has had her first Vaccines at this time and is as loveable as a kitten with her background ever could be. She and Mr.BoJangles have finally made friends with each other and needless to say...SHE IS SPOILED ROTTEN!!!

The Loving Litter was adopted in Memory of all the poor stray kitties
and those that have to be euthanized due to the carelessness
of people that do not Spay or Neuter.

Candice was adopted in Memory of All the Greyhounds that are overbred,
and to those dear souls that "just can't run fast enough".

The above adoptions were from Lady J's