the UNFORTUNATE Cats and Dogs that are in Animal Shelters, Rescues, Puppy Mills, Kitten mills, and TO the many people that VOLUNTEER at Shelters or FOSTER animals for Organization's that don't have the money for a Shelter, I APPLAUD YOU ALL...

What I don't understand is the reason for people buying "Purebred" pets as opposed to Adopting. I work for a Pet Supply and Grooming Shop in Toluca Lake (NO WE DON'T SELL ANIMALS THERE). Let me tell you what's in Los Angeles. Name a breed of dog or cat and I'll assure you there is a rescue for that breed. Close to me is the Doberman Rescue Centre where over 100 purebred Dobermans live. Does this tell you anything!!! I personally want to know why you "have to have a purebred". Is it a status symbol? an ornament? do you like to speak of how much you paid for this pet? or is it perhaps aesthetic prejudices? How can you do this when you must know how many ANIMALS are at Shelters waiting to DIE? Can't you FEEL for them? If you MUST HAVE a purebred, why not forget buying one and go to a rescue that carries the breed you are interested in? I do understand that these Breed Rescues are not available everywhere, but can't you do any better by going to your Local Shelter as there usually are Purebred's there also. You must have VISITED a Shelter during your lifetime. How can you look into the faces of those animals and THEN leave the Shelter without feeling SOME guilt? Don't you know you can enjoy, love, be loved, have the same amount of fun with one of these Shelter animals? Also, I have been to Pet Shows and seen the beautiful Dogs and Cats. I recognize why they can be so appealing, but do you absolutely NEED one of these for a pet in your home? Why not give this some thought......

~ Lynnda ~

The Loving Litter was adopted in Memory of all the poor stray kitties
and those that have to be euthanized due to the carelessness
of people that do not Spay or Neuter.

Candice was adopted in Memory of All the Greyhounds that are overbred,
and to those dear souls that "just can't run fast enough".

The above adoptions were from Lady J's