Imagine you are a pregnant mare in are tethered into a tiny stall
without adequate amounts of food, water, exercise, or medical attention, and are
surrounded by tens of thousands of other mares in the same predicament. Imagine that
your estrogen-rich urine was being collected by your captors while you lived tied
up in a tiny stall, unable to turn around or lie down, and the foal you would soon
give birth to will be slaughtered for human consumption and exported to Japan, Mexico
or Europe...because your foal is considered "just an animal by-product."
For What!...The answer is Premarin.
Premarin is a frequently prescribed drug
given to women who have undergone hysterectomies and to those who suffer from menopausal
symptoms. It is also prescribed to post-menopausal women in the hopes of preventing
heart disease and osteoporosis. About eight million women are currently taking Premarin.
That's eight million women who don't know the facts.
The facts are that prescription
synthetic estrogen such as Estradiol, Estrace, Estradiol tablets or Transdermal Systems, natural
progesterones and Estradiol are just as effective and safe. Premarin is the only
menopausal drug on the market made with animal-derived estrogen. The facts are that
if heart disease and osteoporosis are your main concerns, switching to a vegetarian
or vegan diet will drastically reduce your saturated fat and cholesterol intake.
The hormones needed to relieve many menopausal symptoms can be found in tofu, berries,
soy beans, citrus fruits, and sweet potatoes. Ask your doctor today about the "Cruelty-Free"
estrogens available to you.
Ayerst (the makers of Premarin) and its parent company, American Home Product/Whitehall
Laboratories, which produces Dristan, Advil, Chef Boyardee, Easy Off, Jiffy Pop,
Neet, Pam, Preparation H, Sani-Flush, Woolite and various other products. Let the
company know about your OUTRAGE. Send letters to
Robert Essner, President
P.O. Box 8299
Philadelphia, PA 19101
or call (215) 971-5823. Flood
the Canadian and Manitobian Governments with letters to protest their funding of
Ayerst's expansion...
Minister Lloyd Axworthy
Department of Western Diversification
House of Commons
418-M Center Block
Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0A6
and The Honorable
Gary Filmon
Premier of Manitoba
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C OV8