Welcome to my little space! I want to thank you for visiting me here. I am Jenna. I am 25 years old and I am a WAHM (Work at home Mom) to Emily and our foster child Rachel. They are my pride and joy! While visiting my pages you can even check out our dogs. We live in Texas and it is so hot sometimes that I think I will just die but guess what??? I don't =). After helping people make themselves beautiful with my Mary Kay buisness, my biggest hobby is the internet although I enjoy many things.
My husband and I love the Texas Rangers. We like to go to the games every year but this year we have missed them because of the hot weather.my band photo
When I was in high school I was in the UIL activities but my favorite thing was band. You would not believe what a big band "nerd" I was. I competed in the State Solo and Ensamble Contest every year I was in school and also in the eighth grade playing in the Jazz Band. I was even the drum major! I had so much fun in High School although it sure didn't seem like it at the time! *g* Upon graduation (in 1991) I attended West Texas A&M. Senior Picture
I met my husband in 1993 and we married in 1994. Since then we have lived in a number of places but we will never leave TEXAS.
My husband and I have become foster parents. Been there done that? Give us your tips We are excited but it is also very hard! Any advice you might have would be wonderful! sign
We are fostering through and organization called the Bair Foundation.

Please visit my other pages! I have had a lot of fun doing them! Make sure you go to the attic. Lots of stuff in there!

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the gift

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