Cryssie's Crafts n' Such at this Addy Been Put on Hiatus!
It seems that uploading and saving since the merger has been less than I have removed my site until I see an improvement on the efficiency on this newly merged server...
Some time ago....I received a friendly reminder from the new Yahoo/Geocities, telling me that if I do not upload something on this site soon, I will be removed. I have been attempting to create something, anything within this site address since the merger, with phenominally disappointing results. If your curiosity is up, you may read the correspondence thus far by clicking on this link...I will keep it updated provided the server will allow...
*additional entry* (03/24/2000) As of this date, I still have not received a response from yahoo/geocities in regards to my concerns...
Letter Link
*another entry* (11/06/2000) Again, today I accessed my account, spending an amazing twenty minutes attempting to upload files, and another 20, trying to find online email help, to no avail. Oddly enough, it only took two tries to get the text properly updated, versus the numerous for file uploads with no success. Well, at least saving text does not seem to be a huge issue anymore, I'll give them that.
Still no response from Yahoo!/Geocities.
In the mean time...if ya miss my pages, or you'd like to simply check it out for can find my stuff right here!