Welcome to Alain and Cecille's Web Page ?

Here is the weather for parts of the world where the family is located and our favorite vacation spots.

Hello Everyone!


flameani.gif (21280 bytes) Hottest Web Page Updates ? flameani.gif (21280 bytes)

Dec 28, 03 - See the photos from the Panganiban Family Christmas Party in California.


    More news can be found here.



A list of email addresses and phonebook for all the family members is now available online.? However, to gain access you will need to enter the password.? If you forgot the password, send me an email and I'll mail it to you.


Alain's Thoughts

On AOL: Why pay for it when you can get it for free.


Calendar of Events

Here is a list of upcoming events and highlights of past events.?

Check-out the list of or view all the birthdays.



Family Tree

Take a look at the Panganiban & Ramirez Family tree.? There are over 755 families listed representing over 2738 people.

The Cao Family pictures.

Do you want to contribute information to the family tree?? It would be greatly appreciated.? If you don't, we'll have to guess your birthday and we usually make you older than you really are.? You wouldn't want that would you?? You can submit your family's information right here on this web site.



Some interesting web sites to visit

Want to see what the weather is like here in Los Angeles or other parts of the country? ? Check out? The Weather Channel.

Los Angeles is famous for its freeways.? Let's see how traffic is now?on the freeway map.



About the authors of this page

We will update this web page as new information becomes available so check here frequently.

Check out this good-looking couple.

c_i.jpg (7938 bytes)


Cecille just completed her Masters Degree in Information Technology this November 99.? Check out her impressive resume by clicking here (MS Word 97 format or Adobe Acrobat PDF format).

Alain is a Senior Programmer/Analyst at Yokohama Tire Corporation.? Check out his resume (MS Word 97 format or Adobe Acrobat PDF format).


This page is constantly under construction so be patient and send us your suggestions for improvements.

Send comments to cnagraziani@charter.net


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