Websters defines adventure: an exciting or remarkable experience. Websters defines explore: to investigate, study, or analyze. to travel over new territory for adventure or discovery. A Field Trip can definitely be an adventure as you explore new territories and make new discoveries. Hop on the bus and let's go exploring together! Did you know that you can be an explorer from right where you are sitting. It doesn't matter what the weather is like today or where you live! With the help of your little mouse, you can go on an adventure RIGHT NOW!
Virtual Field Trips http://www.field-guides.com/ Pizza Farm http://www.pizzafarm.org/ Atmospheric field trip The Amazon Adventure http://vif27.icair.iac.org.nz/ International Greenland Expedition http://www.adventureonline.com/ige/index.html Art Institute of Chicago http://www.artic.edu/aic/firstpage.html The Exploratorium http://www.exploratorium.edu/ Metropolitan Museum of ARt http://www.metmuseum.org/ National Air and Space Museum http://ceps.nasm.edu:2020/NASMpage.html The space shuttle http://shuttle.nasa.gov/index.html/ Kids Space http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/kids/welcome.html Learn Vocabulary Syndicate http://syndicate.com/
The Atlanta Zoo http://www.zooatlanta.org/ National Zoo http://www.si.edu/natzoo/ Bronx Zoo http://www.bronxzoo.com/ Knoxville Zoo http://www.knoxville-zoo.org/ San Diego Zoo http://www.sandiegozoo.org/zoo/
The Grand Canyon http://www.thecanyon.com/nps/index.htm http://www.thegrandcanyon.com/ yellowstone national park http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/yellowstone/index.html Empire State Building http://www.esbnyc.com/ The Hershey Museum http://www.hershey-museum.microserve.net/ Golden Gate Bridge http://www.computersamerica.com/mousing_around/gatecam/gatecam_gallery.cfm Visit the Peach Pod http://www.peachpod.com/ Welcome to Gus Town http://www.gustown.com/GusTown/Home/GusTownSummer.html Kids Domain http://www.kidsdomain.com/ Kids Com http://www.kidscom.com/
Yuckiest Site on the Internet http://www.nj.com/yucky/ World Village Kidz http://www.worldvillage.com/kidz/ Squiggly's Playhouse http://www.squiglysplayhouse.com/ Bonnie's Page http://www2.arkansas.net/~mom/bonnie.html Gardening for Kids http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/3313/ Children's Butterfly Site http://www.mesc.nbs.gov/Butterfly.html Welcome to Frogland http://www.teleport.com/~dstroy/froglnd.shtml Jan Brett's Home Page http://www.janbrett.com/ Watermelon Kids http://www.watermelon.org/kids.html Around the World in 80 Seconds http://www.moravian.edu/people/students/stjja02/geo/index.htm Geo Bee http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/geobee/
Greatest Places http://www.greatestplaces.org/ Vacation Time http://www.now2000.com/bigkidnetwork/vacationtime.html Cleveland Indians Kids Stuff http://www.indians.com/kids/index.html Sports Illustrated for Kids http://www.sikids.com/index.html U.S. Olympics PBS Cyber School http://www.ibm.pbscyberschool.org/index2.html Art for Kids http://artforkids.miningco.com/ Crafts for Kids Crafts for Kids http://craftsforkids.miningco.com/ Read Along Express http://www.penguinputnam.com/yreaders/index.htm New York City Underground http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/nyunderground/ 7 Wonders of the Ancient World http://pharos.bu.edu/Egypt/Wonders/ The Eiffel Tower http://www.tour-eiffel.fr/tour_uk/fb_home.html School House Rock http://genxtvland.simplenet.com/SchoolHouseRock/science.hts?lo The Virtual Body http://www.medtropolis.com/vbody/ American Memory http://rs6.loc.gov/ The American West http://www.americanwest.com/ Go West with Lewis and Clark http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/west/ The Oregon Trail http://www.isu.edu/~trinmich/Oregontrail.html School House Rock (History) http://genxtvland.simplenet.com/SchoolHouseRock/america.hts?lo Dole's 5 A Day http://www.dole5aday.com/fun.html Kudo's Kid Kitchen http://www.ponyshow.com/kidsnet/kitchen/kitchen.htm Peanut Butter Lover's Club http://www.peanutbutterlovers.com/ Kaitlyn's Knock Knock Jokes http://www.bayne.com/wolfBayne/kaitlyn/
Download a Dinosaur http://www.rain.org/~philfear/download-a-dinosaur.html Otto Club (Transportation Safety) http://www.ottoclub.org/ The Fridge Art Gallery http://www.ibm.com/Stretch/EOS/fridge.html The Official and Definitive site of the World of Beatrix Potter http://www.peterrabbit.co.uk/index2.html Little Explorers http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Dictionary.html paper puppets and patterns http://fox.nstn.ca/~puppets/paper.html Julie's Counting Page http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/5498/ Kayleigh's Playground http://kayleigh.tierranet.com/index.htm
Bedtime Stories http://www.bedtime-story.com/bedtime-story/ Marilee's Paperdoll Page http://www.ameritech.net/users/macler/paperdolls.html Color with PBS http://www.pbs.org/kids/coloring/ Kid Alex Homepage http://www.kidalex.com/index.html Safety Bear's Coloring Page http://www.dps.state.ak.us/AST/safety/instruct.htm Winnie the Pooh and Friends http://www.worldkids.net/pooh/welcome.html Art for Kids Art for Kids http://artforkids.miningco.com/ Crafts for Kids http://craftsforkids.miningco.com/ Dream Box http://www.dreambox.com/ Read Along Express http://www.penguinputnam.com/yreaders/index.htm Dole's 5 A Day http://www.dole5aday.com/fun.html Kudo's Kid Kitchen http://www.ponyshow.com/kidsnet/kitchen/kitchen.htm
Fort Sumter National Monument http://www.ccpl.org/ccl/sumtertour.htmlis located on Charleston Harbor and can be reached only by boat. The fort is open daily form 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. between April 1 and Labor Day. For more information, please call (803) 883-3123. The fort is closed December 25. Tour boats leave from the city Marina on Lockwood drive just south of U.S. 17 in Charleston and from Patriots Point in Mount Pleasant. For boat schedules, call (803) 722-1691 or write Fort Sumter Tours Inc.,205 King St. Suite 204 , Charleston S.C. 29401 The
Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon http://www.ccpl.org/ccl/exchange.html Battle of Seccessionville http://www.awod.com/gallery/probono/cwchas/secville.html FORT
SUMTER National Monument that sits on a man made island
in the Charleston Harbour. For more information call:
843-722-1691 Calhoun
Mansion Charleston
Museum Charles
Towne Landing Dock
Street Theatre Gibbes
Museum of Art Cape
Romain National Wildlife Refuge Francis
Beidler Forest Santee
Coastal Reserve Patriots
Point Naval and Maritime Museum http://www.state.sc.us/patpt/ Boone
Hall Magnolia
Plantation and Gardens http://www.sccsi.com/sc/charleston-magnolia.html Middleton
Place House Museum BEST FRIEND: Charleston Train Museum, on Ann Street near the Visitor Center, has full-scale copy of 1830's steam engine The Best Friend Of Charleston, the first regularly scheduled passenger train in nation. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 1-5 p.m. Sundays. Free. 973-7269.http://www.charleston.net/org/railroad/ Riverbanks Zoo (Columbia, SC) http://www.riverbanks.org/ For more information call (803)779-8717 ext. 1113.Groups of 15 or more who are attending education programs may receive reduced admission rates by registering through the Education Department. Ripley's Aquarium in myrtle Beach For more information, email: webmaster@ripleysaquarium.com or visit their web site: http://www.broadwayatthebeach.com/frames/welcome.html Butterfly Barn 10 species of butterflies. Call 843-887-3939 for info. 27 miles from Charleston. Charleston Ballet 723-7334 Charleston at the Gaillard Municipal Auditorum and at Sottiel Theatre. Charleston Stage Co. 577-5967 or 723-5648 for info. 2 programs a year just for kids. dock Street Theatre. Brookgreen Gardens 843-237-4218 Murrells Inlet, SC South Carolina State Museum Columbia, SC http://www.museum.state.sc.us/ Charleston Tea Plantation 559-0308 or 800-443-5987 Wadmalaw Island, SC Columbia museum of art http://www.colmusart.org/ South Carolina Home Page http://www.sccsi.com/sc/index.html