J.R. and Stella have been married over 33 years. Our family includes Edward, his wife Kimberly, and Emily. They are three of the greatest kids in the world.
Edward graduated from Angelo State University at age 20 with a degree in Math and minor in Physics and teacher certification. He taught math for 3 years at San Angelo Central High School and is now working on his masters in math at Colorado School of Mines with a teaching assistantship.
Kimberly also graduated from Angelo State University with a double major in English and Communications. She has experience in publishing and does great layout and desktop publishing work. She is currently employed by the legal division of a real estate firm in Denver.
Emily is currently studying Physical Therapy (still in her pre-professional courses) at Texas Tech University. She is an excellant musician, has a strong Christian faith, loves people, and works during long holiday breaks and summers to help pay for her college costs and spending money.
Stella has an associate degree in Business from McMurray University, which she obtained later in life while working at her regular job. She in an administrative assistant and has a great love for quilting and other crafts, and is a great wife and mother.
J.R. is a pharmacist, specializing in long term care. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and is still a Longhorn fan. His hobby is genealogy and is working on his family tree as well as on Stella's genealogy.