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Hi, my name is Kristine. I am 13 and live
in a family of five. My two sisters are younger than I am. JESSICA is 7, and Rebecca is 15 mos. I have 2 very sweet dogs who are loved greatly.
One a miniature poodle who is six years and goes by the name RITA,
and a Siberian Husky who is almost five months old (yes still just a puppy)
and goes by IVAN. Rita I have been training to be in obedience
and Ivan I am in the process of training to show in conformation. Right now
they are the joy in my life! I also have a rabbit (THUMPER) and a cat (BOOBOO).
I am going out for track in school for the first time. My favorite
sport is Basketball. As any normal 13 year old girl I enjoy
talking on the phone and hanging out with my friends.
Have fun poking through my
web page and learning more about me and my family!!!
Ivan at 4 months old, a few days after
arriving .
P.S. He realy does have a straight top line!
These pictures are of me and Rita. I have had her since she was 7 months old. She is now six but she still acts like a puppy. She certainly hasn't lost her girlish charm!
Stop by again soon!
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since March 27,1998
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