" 2 Female RED Cattle Dog Pups For Sale….$20.00 each"



That is how we commenced into the dog world in 1989.

In July, 1989, we moved from Sydney to Tamworth, the Country Music Capital of Australia and home of "The Golden Guitar" which is 5 hours drive north west of the Sydney metropolitan. We decided to settle here, bought a house and decided that we needed a pet dog to compliment it!

Well, when we saw these 2 beautiful red bundles we just had to have them both, "it would be sad to spilt them up" we told each other!  Fools!!
Four hundred dollars in new garden plants, garden irrigation system and one antique lace tablecloth pulled off the clothes line !! we thought we had better take Pippa and Tara to obedience training.

It was here we were introduced to the world of dog obedience and showing and even though our "girls" were not registered with the Canine Control we attended our first dog show for a look at what everyone was talking about.
It was here that Lilian came upon the breed of her dreams......
you guessed it the..... Dalmatian!!!!!

Home we headed, very excited about what we had seen but a month later after dealing with more bouts of sibling rivalry, Lilian throws up her hands in frustration and acclaims to the world "I want a Dalmatian". So Tara finds a wonderful home on a Cattle Stud Farm and we begin our search for that infamous dally .

Enter the 1990 Easter edition of the New South Wales Canine Journal with results from the 1990 Easter Royal Show and a photo of the Best Of Breed Winner,
Ch. Sutania Tuco Wallach CD.

"That's what I like" exclaims Lilian, so it is on the telephone and an hour later plans have been made to visit Sutania Kennels and meet the couple who were to start us on our way, Denise and  the late Michael Starkey.

The visit is incredible, Dalmatians to cuddle and play with, and Dallies that lick you from head to toe - lucky we were warned not to wear anything white!!
We met Sodie (Ditrelroan Dalpra Gal) and Pepper(Messaspot Karawatha) who are the foundation of Sutania kennels, and all their children and grandchildren too.
In amongst all of them is Ch On The Spot Guardienne (Penny) who is expecting her first litter to Sutania Black Buttons( Buttons). After a 4 hour visit Lilian is offered pick bitch from this litter and so our anxious wait begins!!

8/2/1991…the litter is born and eight weeks later we drive to Sydney to choose "Lilian's girl". We are shown 3 promising girls and Lilian chooses the one with the beautifully spotted ears. And so begins our Dalmatian adventure with Ch Sutania Uptown Girl CD (Kristy).

So Blairwick  Kennel's is founded ....the name deriving from the combination of Lilian's surname Blair and Patrick's surname Chadwick.

Well, its has been many years since that day and so much has happened since!!
The cattle dogs have long since disappeared after Patrick made his mark on the breed by breeding and titling some and we  have many dalmatians.


     BILLY                      KRISTY                      JAZZ


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