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Welcome to Clan Nicol of Newhall,CA USA
Ancestral Home Huntly/Forgue, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

Generositate non ferocitate
(Latin: By generosity not ferocity)

The Home of the Free
SCOTLAND - the Brave

Clan MacNicol Ancestral Home
Isle of Skye, Scorrybreac,Portree

Announcing The Newest Members of Clan Nicol:
Cade James Nicol and
Natalie Mary Nicol

Clan Nicol is always growing and progressing. -
Please check back frequently as we will be undergoing continuous updating.

Remember: "Highlanders Drink Upstream from the Herd"

We cover many things, but in particular, items pertaining to the Highland Clans, Clans Nicol, Nicolson, MacNicol, Family History, Genealogy, Scotland and Celtic Lore.
We also have some interesting geneology refs.

click for the Braveheart Theme (wav 147K)

In the meantime, please enjoy the following links:
Official Clan MacNicol Society Home Page
Clan MacNicol History - Unofficial
Aberdeen & North-East Scotland Family History Society
Tartan Day - Electric Scotland
Official Tartan Day Site

Rampant Scotland Newsletter
The Scots Magazine
Highlander Web Magazine
Scotsman Newspaper
Yahoo - Scotsman Newspaper
BBC - Scotland
Am Bratach

Scotland - Official Profile
Electric Scotland
Scotland Online
Great Scot Internaltional
Gateway to Scotland
Scotch Whisky

Scottish History Web Ring
Scottish-American History Club
Historic Scotland
Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland - An Ethnography of the Gael A.D. 500 - 1750
Aberdeen & North East Scotland Family History Society
Highland Clearances

Gazetteer for Scotland
Travel Scotland

The Gathering of the Clans
Rootsweb - Nicol
Family Tree Magazine
Scottish Genealogy Forum
Barrel of Genealogy Links
Scottish Roots Ancestral Research Service
Clan Map

Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
Riven - Fantasy Alba
Myst - Fantasy Skye

Caleigh -
World Folk Music -
Distant Oaks - Celtic Music Ensemble

Fighting Illini
Beta Theta Pi
Newhall, CA
San Luis Obispo, CA

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Hope you like what you find here.
Please check back frequently for changes.

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Thank you for visiting and come back often
Sgorr a Bhreac