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A Promise Never Meant To Go

Walking through time in an endless dream
Looking for something, what can it be?
With all the sorrow I hold inside,
With all the tears I used to be,
With tears of laughter and sound of glee.
Shall I walk through this endless zone,
Or should I stop and return to home?
No one I knew care enough for me,
Like the way you showed me what love can be.
It's not only a feeling you feel inside,
It comes from the heart, I can see it in your eyes.
I hate to leave you, but I have to go,
Just remember "I love you so."

When shall we meet again,
I'll promise you the times will never end.
But for now apart I shall go,
It's my time you will know.
Just hold dear to your heart the memories,
We cared, and the happy times we shared.
No matter how far the distance
Or even I a million miles away,
My heart will always stay.

"Kev Hlub Ua Tau Txhua Yam.
Yog Koj Xav Muaj Kev Hlub.
Thov Koj Tsuj Thiab Ua Siab Ntev.
Tiv Tej Kev Nuaj Siab Ntxhov Plawv.
Txog Thaum Kawg Thiaj Yuav Kaj Siab.
Vim Hias Tias Kev Hlub Muaj Qab Thiab Iab."


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