"You and I were created by Creator for this moment on earth upon Mother Earth.
My life circle will only be complete with you by my side my love.
You are that portion of my heart that has been stilled
throughout my womanhood. I have existed only for the day
when my heart will beat with yours as one, when you have
joined your life path with mine.
The Creator lends us wisdom in our time of need, and understanding will come.
He has a plan for each of our lives. If we will only listen with
our hearts, we will learn of His desires. If anything, now that
I have met you, I am more sure that our joining as one was meant
from the beginning of creation.
We are not in control of time. The Creator's hand guides
our path, and the steps that we make down it. If we learn all that we can,
as we are led, then there is no wasted time.
Come with me, let us learn together to treasure each moment. We will never
again think of our lives as being wasted.
Happiness is
found when one opens one's heart to direction. If
one does not follow the purpose that the Creator has
designed for one's life, then unhappiness and strife will
follow. Happiness is gained with the knowledge that we are
led by the guidance of an inner wisdom much more wiser than our own."
Taken from the book: "Precious Amber" by Kathleen Drymon

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