
Rush County Queries


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Query Index
October November December

Oct. 1, '97 / Nancy Robinson----Apple Valley, CA
I'm looking for information about the family of Louis HINER and Rubye Marie ISAAC-HINER. They were married in 1916. Louis was the editor of the newspaper in Rushville, IN; while Rubye was a type-setter for the newspaper. They had 2 sons, Lou Jr., and Richard; they graduated from Rushville High School. Rubye was my aunt. Louis and Rubye are interred in the mausoleum in Rushville. Thanks, Nancy...

Oct. 2, '97 / James L. Benson----Edmond, OK
Hartwell Hayes MITCHEL [b. March 25, 1816 in Iredell or Wilkes Co., NC] married Mary WILLIS on Aug. 18, 1836 in Rush Co., IN. She was born Oct. 4, 1818 in Union Co., IN. Looking for the parents of Mary, or any other WILLIS connection...

Oct. 2, '97 / Harry A. Nelms----Farragut, TN
Would appreciate contact with anyone interested in the BAYLES families, who settled in Rush Co. in the mid 1800's...

Oct. 11, '97 / Kim Cox----Roseburg, OR
I'm searching for info. on General [b. 1795] and Nicey TOOTLE. Also, information on John [b. 1805] and Fannie WATKINS; and William Paul Quinn TOOTLE [b. 1840]. They're all from Rush Co., IN. I'd appreciate any help you could give. Thank You...

Oct. 12, '97 / Nancy Vick----Aromas, CA
Looking for information on the JAMESON family that is in the Rush Co. census of 1840. The name is Thomas J. JAMESON. Thanks, Nancy...

Oct. 14, '97 / Patrick Murphy----Indianapolis, IN
I'm researching the SHAFFER family, that lived in and around Carthage, Rush Co., IN during the 1800's. These SHAFFERs were carriage makers by trade. Seeking information on William SHAFFER and Milton SHAFFER. Milton's parents were Joseph SHAFFER and Margaret ADKINS. Milton was born in Hancock Co., IN in 1858. He later resided near Carthage, IN...

Oct. 17, '97 / C. Stewart----Florida
I'm looking for information on Orin MARTIN, b. in 1823, in IN. I don't know which county, though he is connected to a Sail Wilson ILER, who was born in Rush Co. So, MARTIN may be from Rush Co., too. MARTIN's parents were from NJ and Canada. Anyone who might have information, please email. Thanks...

Oct. 22, '97 / Reeta Harrison----Phoenix, AZ
I'm searching for the parents and siblings of my g-grandmother, Amanda Alice BOYCE. She was born Feb. 19, 1852 in Rushville, IN. She married James FEE on Aug. 18, 1870 in Clinton Co., IN; and she lived there until her death on Jan. 5, 1936. Any information will be greatly appreciated...

Oct. 25, '97 / Mike Michel----Mt. Laurel, NJ
Researching surnames THOMAS, RICHE, and ANDERSON. Benjamin F. RICHE [1867-1946], and his twin brother Fred ANDERSON; their parents were John W. THOMAS and Lucy JONES. John and Lucy's birthplace was listed as England on Ben RICHE's death certificate. John and Lucy must have died when their children were very young, seing as Ben was adopted by Frank and Nancy RICHE of Milroy, Rush Co., IN; and Fred was adopted by the ANDERSON family. Any information as to the fate of John and Lucy THOMAS, and their family would be appreciated...

Oct. 27, '97 / Mary Ann Hanson
Seeking information on the former Rushville, IN residents John 'Jack' Butler DOUGLASS, and his family. His parents were John Y. DOUGLASS [d. 1987], and Miriam 'Mickey' RANDELL-DOUGLASS [d. 1996]...

Nov. 6, '97 / John W. Cooper----Imperial, NE
Looking for info. on John W. Cooper, born in KY in 1823. He married Martha L. Downey [b. 1825 in KY, but moved to IN at an early age] on July 10, 1845 in Rush Co., IN. I have a copy of their marriage certificate, but I can't figure out where they lived. They had one child, Serrelda, born in 1846 in IN; but she died that same year. They moved to Iowa in 1847. Thanks, John...

Nov. 6, '97 / Darolyn Mason----Grass Valley, CA
MATHEWS, MALOY/MALLOY/MELOY- I'm searching for ancestors of Dr. William Randolph MATHEWS, born Nov. 10, 1809 in Covington, Campbell Co., KY; died Oct. 6, 1880 in Lake Co., CA. He married Martha Jane MALOY on Nov. 9, 1839 in Rush Co., IN. She was born in 1819 in OH; she died in June of 1913, in Lake Co., CA. Martha and William had 9 children- Mack [1840-1924; m. Elizabeth Evaline KELSAY- had 4 ch.], Annette [b. 12/25/1849 in Polk Co., MO, died 3/31/1936 in Lake Co., CA; m. 1st to Matthew M. 'Dallas' SNOW in 1869, in Lake Co., CA- had 3 kids; m. 2nd to George H. SNOW in 1926], Alice [1852-1931], William, Lulu, Frank, Rough [1846-1880], Wright, and Truckee [b. 1856]. In 1856, Dr. William Rudolph MATHEWS and family crossed the plains from MO to CA; along with the families of DILLARD, LEE, SNOW, and VANN. I have some information on their descendants that I would be glad to share, also...

Nov. 10, '97 / Cathy Hawkins----Los Angeles, CA
I would like to correspond with anyone researching surnames HAWKINS, PERKINS, POWELL, and MOON; in Rush County. I will be happy to trade information...

Nov. 15, '97 / Kandus Barland----Minneapolis, MN
I'm looking for the families of George MORGAN and Mary Jane DOWNING. George was born in Aug. of 1822, in Clermont Co., OH. Mary Jane was born somewhere in OH, in Dec. of 1824. They married in Gowdy [Orange Township], Rush Co., IN in Dec. of 1842. Sometime in 1844, they moved to the area of Leroy, McLean Co., IL. If anyone out there can help, I will greatly appreciate it. Thanks...

Nov. 15, '97 / Bill Lents----Flora, IL
Seeking information on Ella Cecelia MCGINNIS, who married cousin Samuel MCGINNIS on 1/29/1873 in Edgar Co., IL. I believe Ella's father was William MCGINNIS, from Rush Co., IN...

Nov. 16, '97 / Janna Eversmeyer
I'm searching for information about the STAFFORD family. Several members of this family were married in Rush Co., including:
Martha STAFFORD [m. William SIMMONS on 4/8/1824], Leodicca STAFFORD [m. Richard IRWIN on 10/31/1824], Judy STAFFORD [m. Crabtree GRACE (GRASS?) on 5/3/1831], and Enoch STAFFORD [m. Katherine MULLIN on 4/20/1838]. These STAFFORDs were the children of John STAFFORD and Betsy WAINSCOTT, who were living in Franklin Co., IN by 1812. Anyone out there have any information? I am particularly interested in birth and death dates, and places of residence...

Nov. 21, '97 / Chris Yoder----Battle Creek, MI
I would like information on Henry YODER, who married Elizabeth KOONTZ in Rush Co., on 10/19/1835. Thanks for any info. on this person, or any other YODERs recorded pre-1850 in Rush County...

Nov. 29, '97 / Earliene Kaelin----Tacoma, WA
I'd like to hear from anyone knowing anything about the following couples that resided in Rush Co., IN in the mid 1800's. Louisiana CARTMELL/CARTMILL/CARTMEL married Thomas G. ANDERSON in Rush Co. on 4/4/1833. Sanford CARTMELL/CARTMILL/CARTMEL married Martha WILSON in Rush Co. on 11/19/1833. I have lots of CARTMELL/CARTMILL/CARTMEL information to share. Thank you. Earliene Kaelin...

Dec. 1, '97 / Richard E. Parr----San Jose, CA
I'm looking for the parents of Fanny FALL, born in KY about 1820. She married John W. BERRY on April 4, 1836 in Rush Co., IN. They appeared on the 1840-1860 census in Washington Township, Rush Co., IN. They moved to Tipton Co., IN following the 1860 census...

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