Hi, my name is Chia-chi Wang.
Welcome to my home page! This page will contain links to daily and weekly general interest (no alternative or niche) newspapers as well as student newspapers from Division 1 basketball schools. This site will always be under massive construction. I just started learning HTML & working on the daily paper links. The weeklies will follow & the student papers will come last. As of right now, there are many bad & outdated links I need to fix. Here's what I have so far.
takes you to good links for AL through FL dailies. A good link is defined by papers with local news and/or classified ads.
takes you to good links for GA through MD dailies.
takes you to good links for MA through ND dailies.
takes you to good links for OH through TN dailies.
takes you to good links for TX through WY dailies.
takes you to bad links for dailies. A bad link is defined by papers with just a promotional page or with content other than local news/ads.
takes you to dailies from AL to IN without web sites as of yet. This page has quite a few papers listed that now do have web sites that I either haven't listed yet or that I don't even know about.
takes you to dailies from IA to NJ without web sites as of yet.
takes you to dailies from NM to TN without web sites as of yet.
takes you to dailies from TX to WY without web sites as of yet.
takes you to good links for AL through ND student newspapers from Division 1-A football schools, state schools & Harvard, Yale & Princeton University.
takes you to good links for OH through WY student newspapers from the above group.
takes you to bad links for schools from the above group.
takes you to good links for student newspapers from Division I basketball schools that aren't in the aforementioned group.
takes you to bad links for schools from the above group.
I hope you find what you're looking for and thank you for visiting my page.
© 1997 chiachi@hotmail.com