509th OMS Tanker Branch and Friends
509th Bombardment Wing (M), 45th Air Division,8th AF, Strategic Air Command.
Pease AFB, New Hampshire
1978 Pease AFB Open House
509th FMS Patch
509th OMS Patch
This page has been started to remember those on the ground who kept the KC-135A in the air and on alert. Not limited to Tanker Phase , but open to all
OMS and FMS personnel.So as long as you busted knuckles on the KC welcome aboard
Photos not otherwise credited
are from my (David Hendren)
collection.The patches are mine as well.
Darned OMS patch is rare!
Pease flightline October 1977(Ed Delaney photo)
Back in the day there was SAC,TAC and MAC..Then they let Bill the Cat rename the major commands ACC and AMC. Bill coughed up a furball!  But all kidding aside, whether you were in then, later or are still turning wreches. Much remains the same. Pride in our country,service and comrades remains.
Air Force  a great way of life (on most days):)
Links to 509er sites
Pease Airpatch
Other Interesting sites
A look at Chanute in 2004
Looking out the back of Tanker 2, A1C Ed Harder in foreground, lovely weather(Ed Delaney Photo)
Site Navigation
Page 2
At Work
Ed Delaney's Pictures
Pease Gate guardians
Stories from the Hangar
Odds and Ends
Please Let me know you visited!
The Old DCM hangar in new colors(photo found on the net, author Unkown)
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If any tanker ground crew have pictures of maintenance being done on our KC-135A's send them to me at dhendrena@netscape.net and I'll put them up..There doesn't seem to be much on the web about Aircraft Maintenance folks and I think we should change that.