" NIKI "


Niki was my first Aussie and the smartest dog I ever had. I got her in 1980 and she died in 1992 at 12 1/2. When she died I said I would never get another dog. Three months later I got a rescue-her name is Sally.



Sally was left outside by her owners from the time she was a pup. She was never in the house and was left in the yard with no shelter and a ball to play with. She didn't even know her name [Oreo ]. At the time she was rescued from this HOME by her breeder-she had not eaten for 2 weeks. When I met Sally it was love at first lick and she came home with me a few days later. Sally is the oldest of my crew and still a great dog. She has been herding tested and did great.

Sally is now 12 yrs old. She still thinks she's a young dog(don't tell her she's an old lady).Her eyes are a little cloudy and her hearing isn't quite what it use to be but she still has a spring to her step. She still loves to run in the yard and play with the younger dogs. She now has a very bad heart murmer and various lumps and bumps and I cherish the time I have left with her. She has been a wonderful dog to own. Please consider letting a rescue dog into you heart and home.Here is Sally just a few months ago.


8-26-04-A very sad day. Sally went to the bridge after a short battle with Lymphoma. She would have been 13 in November 2004. Although she was very sick, she never lost her love of life and was happy till I held her in my arms as she passed quietly to a better place. Rest well my Sweet Sally-You'll be in my heart forever.