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About Me!

Psalm 68: 18 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens!
Welcome! I'm so glad you decided to find out what I'm about. First, I am a Christian and must say right off, if I didn't know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord I don't know how I would have ever arrived at this point in life intack, more or less. HE is my INSPIRATION!! As with you, life is a series of ups and downs, and sometimes you don't know where to turn, things get that bad. I know without a doubt that even in the darkest of days or the happiest, knowing the Lord makes all the difference in the world. If you would like to hear more, please e-mail me. Also, I know what the power of prayer can do, and if you have a prayer request, please let me know.
Now about my family, I am married to a great guy. We have 4 children. Three of our children are wonderful sons, and the youngest is our beautiful daughter. They are all adults now, but I still call them my babies. (what mother doesn't). We have 2 precious grandsons. Our last little angel was born with breathing difficulties, but Praise the Lord, is doing just wonderful now!! Forgive me if I emblish, just a little, for I'm very proud of them! There are also three very terrific daughters-in-law, two step-grandchildren and a step great grandson that we count as added blessings to our family. We have much to be thankful for, both my husband and I are cancer surviors, Praise be to the Lord. I have one beautiful sister, and her loving husband and her sweet family.
My beloved brother was called home to Glory on 3/14/2006. His beautiful wife who is like a sister, and all our family miss him terribly. Then on 8/29/2006 another loved one was called home to of my beloved sisters, who left a loving husband, two military sons, with one serving in Afganastan, a loving daughter in law, and adorable grandaughter....but knowing we'll see them again gives us God's peace to help ease the ache in our hearts.
I have a host of other family members which I love and thank God for each of them. We live in Florida now, my husband retired and always said we would move to Florida at that point in time, which he made good his threat, that is how I viewed it back then. Which leaves all my children and grandchildren in a different state, Pennsylvania. Talk about needing the hand of the Lord to uplift me! It has been difficult being away from family but these computers are wonderful things to keep in touch.
I love most kinds of music as it can lift your soul and spirit when nothing else will. With greeting cards, I enjoy sending them and of course, receiving them as well. You never know when a card reaches someone, it was just what they needed, to know someone cares and is thinking about them. I do send a lot of web greeting cards, ask my family and friends!! As you see in this section "about me", I love to talk as well. My interests are the love of singing, (some people call it making a joyful noise)and I have sung in a choir for as long as I can remember, my wonderful extended church family whose ready *hugs* are great for the heart. But to bring this section to a close, I'll add, lastly, my computer which has opened a whole new world for me. Please come back and see what improvements are made here, and thank you so much for visiting. *hugs*, Sylvia PS: **--AN UPDATE--** My Midi Links Page is now updated, thanks to those that make midi files available for all to enjoy! 3>
My SAFE Kids and Beautiful Greeting Cards Site LINKS Pages also have been updated, a thank you to those whose hard work I appreciate.
I must thank a very special friend, my wonderful sis who helped so much with the creation of these beautiful graphics and pray this site will touch hearts for the Lord to whom I give the glory.
UPDATE: New, third Inspirationl Page is up, as well as Friends Page.
Last update: 10/15/2009

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