A page devoted to my inlaws, with love!

I'd like to dedicate this page to my mother-in-law... Sarah Richards! She was the greatest prayer warrior I have EVER known. Matter of fact, had it not been for her prayer life, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Gil and I would have never had children! It was Sis. Richards who prayed and fasted for me when I was too weak (spiritually) to pray for myself. After pouring my heart out to her and sharing how my life would be "empty" if I could not be a mother... she got a friend of hers to bind together with her in intercessory prayer. For that, I will be eternally grateful. Sis. Richards went on to be with the Lord in June of 1977. In November, 1977, our first born, Jennifer "Sarah" was born. I can't wait to stroll heaven with this "angel of a lady" who touched my life in a marvelous way! She was a peacemaker, a giver, and a shining example to her family. She told me her greatest desire was to have ALL her family be saved! Talking about a tough act to follow!!! When I am called "Sister Richards" I feel soooo small.

Meet the Richards family! I love you each and every one -- DEARLY! More pictures will follow later, I promise.

This is Gil's brother, Dan. All of the Richards' have musical talents; Dan sings and plays in a local band. =)