- 07/30/00 00:43:02
Click Me
- 07/29/00 08:19:38
Click Me
06/24/99 04:39:35
Name: Colin Coe | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Northam Western Australia |
How did you find us?: Planet All contact |
Much faster and easier to read - Very well done
06/23/99 16:22:41
Name: Charlene Krug | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Montana |
How did you find us?: phone call from my daughter |
I like the site very much..and hope i can help you out..
06/17/99 23:17:47
Name: John Warren | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Vancouver, BC, Canada |
How did you find us?: link through PlanetAll |
Interesting site. My only comment being, as someone in their 60's, that it is unfortunate that this is needed. However when about 6 to 8 I was in Vancouver with my mother at the beach and had to use the washromm. I remember her telling me not to talk to a
y man in there and not to have any other contact or make eye contact. Or accept any help. She was standing witin inces of the exit waiting. If that was in the thirties, God Help Us Now!
06/15/99 04:42:27
Name: Kenneth Carlsson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Sweden |
How did you find us?: Get E-mail |
Dónt give up !
05/02/99 23:46:16
Name: Cecilia Guerra | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: AZ |
04/24/99 03:54:33
Name: jacquie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: arizona |
How did you find us?: link on cocker board |
My heart truly goes out to you for the loss of your daughter and the disappearance of your grandchild.
As a mothe and grandmother,I can't even imagine what you are going through. My prayers are with you.
04/20/99 21:20:25
Name: Rolls Royce | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Mountains of NE Georgia |
How did you find us?: PlanetAll |
I think your mission is very important and you should keep up the great effort.
04/12/99 21:01:13
My URL: Visit Me |
04/12/99 03:25:24
Name: scott owen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: michigan |
How did you find us?: thru Deatra |
03/04/99 01:06:12
Name: JIM | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are You From?: CALI | How did you find us?: Surfin |
Iloved your site i am trying to make one fore my team we play NPPL but my site sucks so far JIM(AUTOMAN)JONES
03/04/99 00:51:50
Name: jessie Eichinger | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Albuquerque, NM |
How did you find us?: Direct e-mail |
02/18/99 20:11:44
Name: jrbo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Nebraska |
I enjoyed your site...a very nice homepage.I just finished mine the other day if you have some time please visit and sign my guestbook.."http://www.angelfire.com/me2/vivian11/index.html...............jrbo
02/18/99 20:01:31
Name: jrbo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Nebraska |
I enjoyed your site,,,more should be done to help our children.......all over the world... If you have the time please visit my site and sign the guestbook
02/17/99 03:24:45
Name: Linda | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Florida |
How did you find us?: Viewing a Guestbook |
As a parent, my heart aches that we live in such a world where we need a website such as yours. I have bookmarked and will pass along to others. Thank you for your work on this site, and your mission of saving children. May God richly bless you as you
elp care for His little ones.
02/16/99 22:56:14
Name: Linda | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Calif |
How did you find us?: signed book |
Thank you for signing my book.........am just now looking thru your site....GREAT JOB!!
keep up the great work,
02/12/99 04:35:25
Name: Bev Webster | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: TEXAS |
How did you find us?: via e-mail from here |
Thanks for the Valentine greeting. Keep supporting the children! God bless you!
02/11/99 22:11:54
Name: Shannon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Michigan |
How did you find us?: surching the web |
Maureen, My heart goes out to you and Nadia. I will be sending my letter out today and I really hope it is one that will help your baby come home. I feel for you I couldn't amagen if one of my kids come up missing. Don't give up your hope God bless you bo
h. Your both also in my prayers.
02/11/99 18:13:22
Name: Tommy Lovett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Columbia, TN USA |
How did you find us?: Surfing |
Great job you are doing, will visit you again.
02/11/99 17:46:16
Name: Harold D. Bradford | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Mason Ohio USA |
How did you find us?: Link on an e-mail |
I love your site very much and congratulate you on what you are doing for all the missing children in the world. You have a wonderful site here and I want to thank you for sharing it with me. God bless you richly.
02/11/99 15:13:14
Name: Wayne |
My URL: Visit Me |
Where are You From?: Kansas |
Sure injoyed your web page and all the links. You have a great looking page. We have a web page also when you have time stop bye and take a look the address is http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne if you like want you see tell your friends and al
o we just added a Guest Book so Please sign it thank you.
02/07/99 01:12:21
Name: Storm | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are You From?: Australia | How did you find us?: Surfin around |
Hi just dropped by to have a look, and I'm very impressed with your site, please stop by my home some time and please dont forget to sign my gb.
02/04/99 08:02:25
Name: Childs Voice | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: So. Ca. |
How did you find us?: Surfed in |
Beautiful Page... We really need more to protect our children. My page is devoted to possible neglect in child care and what parents may do to prevent and/or stop.
01/11/99 21:04:39
My URL: Visit Me |
you're story is sad. My prayers are with Shannon.
01/07/99 03:41:42
Name: Anthony Simonelli | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Providence, R.I. |
How did you find us?: through planetall |
how do I get photos sent to you through the webtv if I find or hear of a child missing?
01/07/99 03:39:11
My URL: Visit Me |
01/02/99 00:50:42
Name: SHEILA | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: MN |
How did you find us?: web page |
I loved your site, and I so glad that you have made this to share with the world.. Good luck!!
01/01/99 02:39:16
Name: Colin Coe | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Northam Western Australia |
How did you find us?: Return visit |
Scott and Deatra
Keep up the great work, '98 was good but '99 will be even better.
12/30/98 10:29:45
Name: Jason | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Malaysia |
How did you find us?: from a distance friend |
Perhaps this idea can be done globally to help people from other parts of the world too.
12/23/98 07:35:55
Name: Rebekah | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Missouri |
How did you find us?: Through an ICQ URL |
God Bless you for making this website. About 3 years ago a girl was missing, and through mass email prayer requests, and messages from people all over the world, pressure was put on the police of the girls hometown. It was a few days later, when she was
found. This was the beginning of my mass emailing prayer requests. Many children have been found, because of pages like this and alerts.
I still have on my website of a missing child, whom, I don't know if she has been found. I do wish that people would post updates. Unfortunately, many aren't ever found. We can remember them in our prayers.
"In His Light"
Name: Ftwrthtx | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Texas |
Let us work for you........
12/12/98 23:16:47
Name: ~Tess~ | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Wa state |
How did you find us?: my guestbook |
What a great idea...God bless you in your efforts and may the angels watch over you...
12/07/98 04:31:17
Name: Jan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Australia |
How did you find us?: my guestbook:-) |
Hi, congratulations on what you are doing and hoping to achieve. I hope you don't mind, but I 'pinched' your 'help the kids' banner and put a link to your site on the above URL. Hope it will be of some assistance to you. Keep up the great work:-)
11/25/98 17:45:00
Name: Diane Whitehouse | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Brooklyn, NY USA |
How did you find us?: another web site |
11/25/98 04:30:56
Name: Paw Sandberg | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Boonville,MO,USA |
How did you find us?: email true planetall |
i am glad to see there is a place like this on the net i got a little son on 3 mdrs and the worst thing i could imaging is to lose him good luck to all those parents looking for their children and god bless each and every one of you there try to help in h
Paw Sandberg
11/25/98 04:30:46
Name: James F. Richter | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Atlanta,Ga |
How did you find us?: email from Deatra |
Wonderful site. If I may, I'd like to link to your page. I'll have to figure a way to introduce it to my visitors. God bless you in your work.
11/25/98 03:27:00
Name: Adefolake Jagun | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Maryland, USA |
How did you find us?: Through Scott |
Keep up the good work.
11/24/98 23:27:50
Name: Alexis aka LEXXXI | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Iowa |
How did you find us?: Signing Another Guestbook |
I believe this is such a wonderful idea. Most homepages, like mine, is just about that person or their likes etc. Yours though, yours is totally about others. I like that and appreciate what you are doing to help. This is such a wonderful idea. I can
honestly say that I dont see pictures of missing children like people should. God Bless them and you.
11/24/98 01:47:30
Name: debbye | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: PlanetAll |
What a wonderful site! It is too bad there is a need for this, but I am glad you have taken the time and the effort. My heart goes out to all of the families with missing children. I cannot imagine the pain and heartbreak they must suffer.
11/22/98 19:24:27
Name: Debra Williamson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Toronto, Ontario |
How did you find us?: Through a friend |
I would just like you to know that I think it's a real shame that so many children are missing. I feel sympathy for all of those parents out there who have no idea where their children are or if they're even okay! More people should be aware of this and
with this web site, I hope it helps.
11/22/98 19:24:26
Name: Debra Williamson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Toronto, Ontario |
How did you find us?: Through a friend |
I would just like you to know that I think it's a real shame that so many children are missing. I feel sympathy for all of those parents out there who have no idea where their children are or if they're even okay! More people should be aware of this and
with this web site, I hope it helps.
11/22/98 07:48:00
Name: dazyrose | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: indiana |
How did you find us?: word of mouth |
just wanted to stop by and tell you how wonderful I think your site is!! What you are doing for the missing children is fantastic! Can tell you have put your heart and alot of hours into this site!
Thank you for all your doing for the children and their families!
Keep up the wonderful work!
11/20/98 09:19:46
Name: Gemfield Association | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: USA |
How did you find us?: E-Mail |
Your site is very inspirational. I wish you lots
of success in your work.
11/20/98 05:37:55
Name: Raaj Vakil | My Email: Email Me |
Where are You From?: India | How did you find us?: Planet All |
I pray that the parents of these children have the strength to continue their lives until their angels are found. Good luck and god bless !!!
11/19/98 22:45:00
Name: Lindsay Furan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Toronto, Ont. Can. |
How did you find us?: through email |
I think this web site is an excellent idea. I hope it helps to locate the poor children!
11/18/98 22:29:59
Name: KAISER & GAYA DIX | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: REESEVILLE, WI |
How did you find us?: PLANET ALL CONTACT |
11/18/98 12:35:06
Name: Goran Pralas | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Croatia |
How did you find us?: I'm with you 2 years |
You are wery wery....well you know
11/18/98 12:28:56
Name: Candy Armstrong | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Maryland |
How did you find us?: linked friends |
I currently live in Md. but I am moving to Florida soon, and I travel pretty frequently.I check the site regularly to keep updated and I am constantly on the look-out for these children. My heart goes out to all the families and I pray for them and the ch
ldren. Keep hope and faith!
11/18/98 02:31:05
Name: Donna | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Buffalo, NY |
How did you find us?: PlanetAll contact |
Great site!!! Keep up the good work!!
11/18/98 00:53:33
Name: Jean-Guy Beaulieu | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Quebec Canada |
How did you find us?: planetall |
if more people or organisation get in to it, a lot of good can be done. Keep doing your good work we need people like you
11/17/98 21:34:09
Name: magdi | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Iowa |
How did you find us?: search |
11/17/98 19:21:07
Name: Roger J. Whitbeck | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Sarasota, FL |
How did you find us?: E-MAIL |
God bless what you are doing and the children you help.
11/17/98 18:30:41
Name: Karen Fisher | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Ont. Canada |
How did you find us?: planetall link |
This is great work - it must a god-send to parents with missing kids to see such an active part in helping to find their children .
May God Bless and helpyou find your children asap. Not knowing is the worse ! Bring them home safely :)
11/17/98 16:50:11
Name: Robin A. Crawley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada |
How did you find us?: Was sent an e-mail |
I think it's wicked what you are doing. Any help that can be given to those poor kids is such much of a good gift. I thank you so much personally. Just visiting your site lightened my heart.
11/17/98 16:38:42
Name: Mark | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Seattle |
How did you find us?: friend |
Great page,keep up the great work in finding kids and helping kids. I love this web page
11/17/98 15:35:47
Name: Kristin Nordling | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Minnesota |
How did you find us?: Scott Eichinger from PlanetAll |
Good web page! I hope it is helping find the kids!
11/17/98 09:54:50
Name: Rui de Almeida | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Portugal |
How did you find us?: GeoCities |
With our strength we will destroy ALL evil!
11/06/98 15:55:00
Name: Zulaikha Abdul Rahim | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Malaysia |
How did you find us?: thru scott Eicheinger,planetall |
U guys hav got a great page. I really would love to help,..'cept o'course I hav none of what u all have listed. In Malaysia,... we do have quite a number of missing children cases. I have no exact number, but i do know they range from 4 to 16 years old.
Most of the children that have been found were usually found at our Malaysian-Thai border,where most of this perfect little angels had the misfortune of having thmselvs deformed by their abducters. The young kids were deformed to be used as beggars and th
older ones were used to bring in money by "working". I most certainly hope that this page will help the findingof childrn all ovr th world.
11/06/98 01:22:18
Name: aleisa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: key largo,florida |
How did you find us?: a friend |
This is a page that made me very sad. I know that you are doing a good thing but it makes me so sad that this is necessary. I hope you are all successful in your searches and god bless all the children of this world.
11/04/98 22:34:10
Name: connie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: oregon |
How did you find us?: saudichildtheft.com |
I am another women like you whose children are in Saudi Arabia, my daughters are 14, and 10, I have not seen them for 5 years. I wanted to let you know that you will always be in my thoughts, and i hope you get your children back.
11/03/98 00:16:05
Name: Ragnar | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Where are You From?: Vallejo CA |
Nice Website, visit my site when you have time, thanks.
Colin Coe - 10/27/98 23:53:24 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/coey | Comments: Extremely well presented and one to be treasured. We in Australiahave many missing children too, but we do not have anything like your organisation to assist in finding them. Hope the use of Australian English does not offend as it does some who constantly complain of misspelt words. Once again VERY WELL DONE, I salute you. Colin |
Bruce Bowman - 10/27/98 02:39:50 My URL:http://users.erinet.com/31065/ | Comments: Hi Scott, Keep up the good work! I've got some links to your site on a missing kids page I've got http://www.simplecom.net/bbowman/misskids.html Let me know if anything needs changed. There needs to be more like you and your wife. bbowman@erinet.com |
Bob Friedhaber - 10/27/98 00:50:15 | Comments: received you email today from planetall-was beginning to think no one really exist on planetall Bob rfriedhabe@aol.com |
Lisa Kelley-Musco - 10/20/98 04:28:56 | Comments: Very touching site - keep up the good work. |
Charles Blum - 10/17/98 19:30:33 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/3499 | Comments: Thank you for the chance to help. |
ann - 10/07/98 18:38:05 | Comments: Dear god i hope you can put this face with there moms. i sat and cryed to see these children get take away form there birth moms. i hope these kids will fine there moms or dads so that they can have a life and bond with them. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
EMTPEZ@aol.com - 10/01/98 02:47:14 | Comments: I just want to say this is truly a wonderful thing that you are doing. I don't know what I can do to help. I am an emergency medical technician in VT and I am proud of what you are doing. |
JaniceL31 - 09/30/98 22:24:59 My URL:http://aol.com | Comments: you have done a wonderful job. You really touched me and God Bless you very much in your searches. I hope you find everyone you ever attempt tp find. Love in Christ Janice |
JaniceL31 - 09/30/98 22:24:07 My URL:http://aol.com | Comments: you have done a wonderful job. You really touched me and God Bless you very much in your searches. I hope you find everyone you ever attempt tp find. Love in Christ Janice |
JUaniceL31 - 09/30/98 22:20:31 My URL:http://aol.com | Comments: you have done a wonderful job. You really touched me and God Bless you very much in your searches. I hope you find everyone you ever attempt tp find. Love in Christ Janice |
Karin Wells - 09/30/98 17:09:04 My URL:http://www.portraitartist.com/wells | Comments: Thank heavens for the Interne!. Perhaps reaching so many people is the key to helping children who are so desperately in need. God bless you all. My thoughts and prayers are with you. |
- 09/29/98 17:46:47 | Comments: |
mitchell livieres - 09/22/98 05:21:36 | Comments: I hope than more and more people join this movement. from paraguay (south-america). CONGRATULATIONS .... and thank you. |
Katherine Kleas - 09/20/98 14:15:24 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Workshop/2601 | Comments: Thanks for telling me about this website Deatra! |
Bill Allen - 09/20/98 05:14:26 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/medianet | Comments: My son and I are working on our business web site, which will include links to help find missing children. We are also working on a software facial recognition system. Law enforcement or anyone will be able to identify missing children by photograph match ng. If you like I will keep you informed of our progress. You have a wonderful site, thanks. Please let me know if I can include a link from my site to yours. Bill |
Twyla Stephens - 09/20/98 03:40:27 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8300 | Comments: I think your site is wonderful...I pray that the Lord watches over you and the families of the children listed here and those not listed. So much sadness, yet with hope and with the Lord above ALL things are possible... |
linda@ptd.net - 09/08/98 00:02:46 | Comments: Hi. I'm an attorney in eastern Pennsylvania and I devote a great deal of my practice to cases of parental abductions. I work both between states and internationally. I am impressed with the scope of your site and hope it helps parents in the future. If you ever need to refer a parent to an attorney who may be able to help them, please feel free to call me at 1-610-882-9600. I have represented parents in different parts of the US, when their children are taken abroad, as I am able to work with attorn ys in their area to coordinate the return of children. I was lead attorney in a major Hague Convention case this last year, Lops v. Lops and Harrington. The Lops children were returned to Germany after being abducted by their father and grandparents two and a half years earlier. I also just worked with a father here in Bethlehem, PA whose daughter has been abducted three times by the mother (one while the case was on appeal in Ireland). We just returned the child to Pennsylvania on Friday, after six months of chasing the mother nd child throughout the UK. Just thought you might find that interesting. Please call if I can help in any way. |
alessandra - 08/22/98 22:01:39 My URL:aleworld@aol.com | Comments: hi deatra! this alessandra, the reno air supervisor you spoke to about a week ago.. we were trying to get melinda home to her mom. i talked to john and he told me everything worked out ok.. i am really glad... |
Anita - 07/27/98 04:59:20 My URL:http://kiddoe40@aol.com | Comments: I'll stand by all for the children until I pass on I have a couple of my own plus twoo grandbaby boys and life is all about and for them to have better lives then ours and to make life safer and better for them may god always watch over and be there for t em all goodnite to all. :) |
Cahyana E. Purnama - 07/24/98 08:15:04 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~STTP/index.html | Comments: My heart is full of cry to see those such children in great difficulty. So do their loving parents. But I pray for every effort to take care of them and I also believe that your service has given a much help. The Lord God be with you for ever and ever. |
Ronald L. Holmes - 07/24/98 03:00:06 | Comments: Beautiful graghics. Keep up the good work. My wife is a family law attorney and I know up close and personal how difficult trying to help can be. Children should be the one thing in this alleged culture that are loved, not thrown away, and not used as bar aining chip between warring loonies. |
Susan Cartwright - 07/21/98 19:30:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/5191 | Comments: Please visit me soon! we must bring every child we possibly can home. Together along with other caring citizens...this CAN be done! sincerely susan |
Janet Kuhlman - 07/21/98 05:41:25 | Comments: What a wonderful and inspirational page ! |
Flower in the Rain 92 - 07/21/98 00:41:03 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Flower_in_the_Rain92/index-1.html | Comments:![]() I will be adding a link to your site in mine. I've been the step-mother of 2 beautiful girls ages 6 & 8 for the past 3 1/2 yrs. |
Donald Navarre - 07/17/98 01:23:21 | Comments: Thank you for making this information available to all of us. God bless you, and your cause. |
Deb Kovalak - 07/12/98 04:26:32 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/8460/index.html | Comments: Your site is excellent. I will be adding to my page. Our children are the 'VOICELESS VICTIMS' of abuse, be it by relative, judiciaires or government agencies. Deb Kovalak, Cleveland, Ohio |
Renee Wiggins - 07/10/98 20:13:00 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/1693 | Comments: On behalf of Boo Kinsey and parents everywhere who have or are experiencing the heartbreak and agony of a missing or abused child, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you're doing. Please visit Boo's home page at the address above for mo e information on his missing children and his story about fighting not only false allegations of abuse, but in fighting a "system gone awry" as well. This has become a world-wide problem and it HAS GOT TO STOP! The judicial system, social service agenci s, guardian ad litems, etc., etc., need to be held accountable for their actions. THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN!!! |
JoAnne Seamans - 07/10/98 00:50:18 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/7472/ | Comments: I love your page! |
Sheri Taylor - 07/09/98 12:47:26 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8256/ | Comments: Love your website!! I am the mother of a missing daughter who was recovered (Thank God!!) after 10 months. I live in Chehalis WA and my "cause" is now missing children!! I would like to put a link to you site, if that's ok!? God bless you for caring. tomt@myhome.net |
James(Jay) Spradley - 07/09/98 02:34:43 | Comments: Awesome Website!!! |
Sarah E. Olson - 07/07/98 10:30:52 My URL:http://go.compuserve.com/Survivors | Comments: Thank you for your support of missing children and child abuse issues! Anyone interested in survivor issues can sign up for a free email newsletter from The Survivors Forum on CompuServe (GO SAFEPLACE) by sending an email with SUBSCRIBE in the body to survivors@oaknetpub.com. Keep in touch--it's free! |
shabo - 07/04/98 18:06:42 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/shabo | Comments: I got your email through planet all and followed your like here. I'm glad I did. You are doing a great job here.I salute you...Keep up the good work...Good luck with your marriage...Please visit my site please and sign the guestbook so I know who has vis ted. Thanks |
T abbi114 - 06/07/98 03:35:53 | Comments: Icertainly hoe you get Yasmeen back real soon I think that everyone that reads this well do there best to help you.Keep faith in God.The web page is great and sure to be a big help. |
DolceOne - 06/07/98 00:35:23 | Comments: Great job for such a fine young lady. Keep up the good work for God will reward you. I too try to help. I'm very proud of you as even all the other dragonslayers are. Good Luck and Best Wishes always |
paul - 06/02/98 00:37:20 | Comments: I was here Paul May |
Tabbi114 - 05/29/98 04:22:22 | Comments: This is a very nice home pge and also very helpful Thank You very much |
Tabbi114 - 05/29/98 04:18:45 | Comments: This is a very nice home pge and also very helpful Thank You very much |
Liz - 05/21/98 15:53:21 | Comments: What a wonderful child you are Hope. You have been through a lot and it is great that you really want to help others out there get back home safely. I have sent a letter and a prayer for Nadia and I also prayed alot for Sam. Please stay as kind as yo are today forever. God Bless You |
Gretchen - 05/21/98 14:30:30 My URL:http://www.countertopamusements.com/links/funlinks.html | Comments: Hope, I am very touched by your story.Thank goodness you were found safely! You are a very brave young girl and an inspiration to many young kids everywhere. Take care! |
Jeff & Jessie Eichinger - 05/17/98 08:27:09 | Comments: |
Scott Owen - 05/07/98 03:52:31 | Comments: Hey you i hope all is well!!!! Im really glad to see someone take an interest in the future of america,not to many people care as much as you do.I do and want to help in any way i can,so let me know what i can do. Love ya ,Your Freind always Scott |
Tabbi114 - 04/23/98 12:13:46 | Comments: Ihave really enjoyed looking at your home page . It was very interesting and helpful.Hopefuly the information will be helpful to all.The angels and doves were beautiful and quite fitting for this type of home page.Thank you |
WebMaster@helpthekids.net - 04/23/98 02:18:13 My URL:http://www.helpthekids.net | Comments: I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who is helping in find Allicia and also the Lazerquick in Bellevue, Washington for printing of the posters posted around Seattle and also to Web Pages By Design For the wonderful work on the site. |
daryl 7 22 - 04/20/98 03:01:20 | Comments: why why why do people do this i just dont understand and i think this is a great web site i hope everybody gets a chance to look at it |
Gloria Blanchard - 04/15/98 02:39:17 | Comments: Hey just got here, and thought I'd let you know I'd been here.....Nice home page. Im going off eplore it some more......Thanks .....and I bet you thought I forgot.... :-) Ok I'm back. I think I left out the word AWSOME? |
Gloria Blanchard - 04/15/98 02:36:56 | Comments: Hey just got here, and thought I'd let you know I'd been here.....Nice home page. Im going off eplore it some more......Thanks .....and I bet you thought I forgot.... :-) |
Marlene Slater - 04/13/98 00:11:49 My URL:http://www.uao.org/mkoc/CP/child-protection.htm | Comments: It seems we've joined the same ring this weekend. I wanted to stop by to welcome you as well as thank you for your efforts for children everywhere. If you have a banner or a gif you would like me to use to link your site on mine, please e-mail it to me an I'll get your site listed. Take care, Marli |
Steve Box - 03/21/98 19:56:06 | Comments: Hope that your efforts, will help many. |
karen chester - 03/21/98 06:57:08 | Comments: super nice page. Every thing that can be done to bring these kids home needs to happen. G-d bless all the children and their parents whos children are in this position. |
daryl 7 22 - 03/19/98 19:28:12 | Comments: very very nice |
daryl 7 22 - 03/19/98 19:21:43 | Comments: very very nice |
mark - 03/19/98 04:14:48 | Comments: it really looks great nice job |
Brian Keane - 03/13/98 03:23:02 | Comments: I liked the web page a lot. Keep up the good work. |
Cherub's Angels - 03/12/98 18:45:10 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/metro/7695 | Comments: I enjoyed your site Everyone can help a child by adding a page such as yours, We need all the help we can get to get our loved ones back home where they belong. Thank you for helping us help them GOD Bless you Always |
daryl 7 22 - 03/12/98 17:45:15 | Comments: I thought it was great do to the fact that someone has a heart to care about missing children.Ithink it is really the best thing there is cause everyone wants to be with there children.And child abuse needs to get out in the world and maybe people would r alize that how important there kids really are.I think it is the greatest web site there is. |
akh40 - 03/12/98 17:40:35 | Comments: keeps getting better and better keep it up |
lobo3287 - 03/12/98 17:40:10 | Comments: i like it just keep up the good work |