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Web Site updated 9/5/08

Starting to download scads of goodies!!

I will be adding more pictures when I get time!!!

Trip to Chicago in August

Air and Water Show was going on the day we were there!

We visited the Shedd Acquarium and took the Architectual Tour on the Chicago River...

Alex Graduated this year from Hart High School

Alex and Tim at work at Mac Woods Dune Rides

Bud and the boys went fishing on Father's Day

While they were fishing I went to Little Pointe Sauble Lighthouse...and took sunset pictures.

Grandpy Bud signed up Madison's name for a webkin and she won it!!

Taylor, Madison and friend Carly playing at Lake Michigan

Bud and I did some kayaking on Lake Michigan this summer!!

A Bluebird building a new nest..they are back again!

We also visited with Barb and Luke when we were in Chicago!!

The kids kept grandpy bud very busy!!

Nick's First Day of School

The Albright Kids posing for Mommy

Kathy's Basketball Team had a 15th year reuinion..it was great seeing all the girls again!!

Scott and Kathy and Haley spent the weekend at the cottage memorial day weekend!!

Received some awards for our web page!!

What a neat suprise!!

Click here to see who gave me the award!!

Thanks for visiting our web page, come back soon

since we change it quite often.

Have a super great day!!

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