Take Time Out For A Little Fun

What Day Of The Week Were You Born

Monday's Child is fair of face
Tuesday Child is full of grace
Wednesday's Child is full of woe
Thursday's Child has far to go
Friday's Child is loving and giving
Saturday's Child works hard for a living
But Sunday's Child is fair and wise, and good and gay

What day were you born on?

Who Else Was Born
On Your Birthday

Do You Have Time For A Little Fun While You Are Here? Would you like to know some interesting facts about your birthday, like what famous person was born on that date?


Be Sure To Bookmark This Site Before You Leave.

What Happened On
Your Birthday

What happened during The Civil War, WW II, Cold War, Old West, Entertainment, Automotive, Etc on that date? CLICK the link below to the History Channel site,


Be Sure To Bookmark This Site Before You Leave.

How About A Genealogy Based
Crossword Puzzle?

Click on any square to see the clue, then type in word.

by Corky

You must have a Java plugin installed and enabled to be able to use this interactive crossword puzzle. If you do have Java installed, it may be disabled, or there could have been a problem downloading the Java applet that this puzzle needs.

Note that Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 do not come with Java pre-installed. You can get a Java plugin at the official Java website.

Create crosswords for free with EclipseCrossword. Download it today and you can be making your own crossword puzzle in minutes!

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