Government and Organizational Pages
American Memory from the Library of Congress
| Civil War Photographs at Library of Congress
| National Park Service
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System
| Traveller's United Daughters of the Confederacy
| Mid-Cities Bluebonnet Chapter #2429
Fairfax Chapter #1410
| Phoebe Yates Pember #2532
| Sons of Confederate Veterans
General de Polignac Camp #1648
| Northwest Louisiana Brigade
| Maryland Division
Taliaferro County Camp #76, Crawfordville, Georgia
| Texas Division
| Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War
| The Smithsonian Institution
| The Smithsonian Associates Civil War Studies
Nonspecific Web Sites
The American Civil War Archives
| The American Civil War Homepage
| The American Civil War Institute of Campbellsville University
Black Hawk County Iowa Civil War Record
| Blue and Gray Magazine
| Brothers Bound: Information on the Civil War Era Prisoner of War Experience
Cincinnati Civil War Round Table
| Civil War and Collectible Books by C. Clayton Thompson
| Civil War Artillery
Civil War at Charleston, South Carolina
| Civil War Database (Service)
| Civil War Generals
Civil War Lookups
| The Civil War Music Store
| Civil War Photographic Gallery
Civil War Music from Spring River Music
| Civil War Skirmish Association (CWSA)
| The Confederate Network
Confederate Soldiers Cemetery
| CSS Neuse
| Deleware River Gallery (Historical Art)
The Gettysburg Address at Library of Congress
| Great Southern Men Memorial
| Guild Press of Indiana
Heritage Preservation Association
| Hoosier Blue and Gray Civil War Round Table
| How to Order CW Military & Pension Records
Illinois in the Civil War
| Indiana in the Civil War
| Kennesaw Civil War Museum
Ken Turner's Civil War Homepage
| Mike's Confederate Collectables
| Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S.
Mississippi Civil War Information
| Missouri Civil War Soldier Books (State Historical Society Of Missouri)
| The National Civil War Association
New Bern Civil War Museum
| North Carolina Civil War History (Union County)
| Ohio in the Civil War
Sergeant Kirkland's Museum and Historical Society, Inc.
| Steve's Civil War Page
| Songs of America's Greatest Struggle
Tennessee Civil War Home Page
| Texas Confederate Pension Records
| The United States Civil War Center
U.S. Marine Detachment (1859-1865)
| The Valley of the Shadow: Living the Civil War in Virginia and Pennsylvania
| Virginia Civil War Home Page
Virginia Rosters
| Virginia Tech Libraries Special Collections 'Civil War'
| VMI Archives--Civil War Page
Individual Military Units |
Alabama Regimental Histories
| Alabama Regiments in the Union Army
| 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
| 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company "H", C.S.A.
| 26th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
29th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
| 33rd Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company "E", C.S.A.
| 42nd Alabama Infantry, C.S.A.
48th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
| 3rd Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment
| 5th Georgia Volunteer Cavalry
8th Georgia Regiment, Company "G", C.S.A.
| 9th Georgia Infantry, C.S.A.
| 12th Georgia Battalion Artillery
32nd Georgia Volunteer Infantry
| 12th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
| 19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Company "A"
27th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
| 38th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Company "H"
| 42nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry Reenactment Unit
49th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Company "F" Reenactment Unit
| 15th Iowa Infantry
| 36th Iowa Volunteers Infantry
1st Kansas Volunteer Infantry
| 1st Kentucky (Orphan) Brigade, C.S.A.
| 22nd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
40th Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry
| 53rd Kentucky Mounted Infantry
| 1st Louisiana Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A.
3rd Louisiana Infantry
| 12th Louisiana Infantry
| 14th Louisiana Regiment
19th Louisiana Regiment
| 28th Louisiana Infantry
| 28th Maine Infantry Volunteers
1st Maryland Cavalry Battalion, C.S.A.
| 2nd Maryland Infantry, Company "A", C.S.A.
| 20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
44th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
| 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Company "I"
| 3rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Company "A"
4th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
| 15th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Company "D", C.S.A. The Wigfall Rifles
| 19th Mississippi Infantry
5th Missouri Infantry, C.S.A.
| 14th New Jersey Volunteers, Company "H"
| 2nd New York Regiment
14th New York Regiment, Brooklyn, Company "E"
| 39th New York Infantry - Garibaldi Guard
| 112th New York Infantry
14th US Colored Heavy Artillery / 1st North Carolina Colored Heavy Artillery
| 35th US Colored Infantry / 1st North Carolina Colored Infantry
| 36th US Colored Infantry / 2nd North Carolina Colored Infantry
37th North Carolina, Company "A"
| 3rd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
| 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment
48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment
| 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
| 76th Ohio Infantry Regimental History
53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company "C"
| 61st Pennsylvania Volunteers
| 84th Pennsylvania Volunteer
93rd Pennsylvania Infantry
| 1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Colored U.S.
| 2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment
3rd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment
| 7th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment
| 13th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment
15th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment
| 22nd South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company "B"
| 7th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Company "B"
9th Tennessee Cavalry (unpublished diary)
| 20th Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A.
| 25th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
44th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
| 5th Texas Cavalry, Partisan Rangers, C.S.A.
| 6th Texas Cavalry Battalion
6th Texas Cavalry Regiment, Company "F", "Stone's Rgmt."
| 10th Texas Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
| 18th Texas Cavalry Regiment, Company "I", "Darnell's Rgmt."
28th Texas Cavalry, Company "I"
| 28th Texas Cavalry, Company "L"
| 35th Texas Cavalry Regimental History and Pension Extract
18th Virginia Cavalry
| 24th Virginia Infantry
| 30th Virginia Infantry Regiment
44th Virginia Infantry Regiment
| 51st Virginia Infantry Regiment
| 13th West Virginia Voluntary Roster and Genealogy of Soldier
15th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry
| 26th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment
| 28th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Outstanding Battles and Camps
Battle of Allatoona Pass
| Battle of Bentonville
| The Battle of Chancellorsville
Battle of Chickamauga: An Alabama Infantry Regiment's Perspective
| Battle of Fredericksburg
| Battle of Wilson's Creek
Battlefield Tours
| Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery and Museum Home Page
| Corinth National Battlefield Park
Civil War Order of Battle for Major Engagements
| Kernstown Battlefield Association
| Petersburg National Battlefield
Pickett's Mill Battlefield Historic Site
| Point Lookout Pow Organization
| Siege of Fort Blakeley, Alabama
Shiloh National Military Park
| Shiloh/Pittsburg Landing
| Staunton River Battlefield State Park
Prominent Individuals
Patrick Cleburne Society
| Jefferson Davis Memorial
| Stratford Hall Plantation (Birthplace of Robert E. Lee)
Abraham Lincoln Online
| Lieut. General James Longstreet, CSA
| The Ulysses S. Grant Association
Ulysses S. Grant Homepage
| Ulysses S. Grant Network
| Lieut. General Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox, CSA