The War Between The States

Government and Organizational Pages
American Memory from the Library of Congress Civil War Photographs at Library of Congress National Park Service
Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System Traveller's United Daughters of the Confederacy Mid-Cities Bluebonnet Chapter #2429
Fairfax Chapter #1410 Phoebe Yates Pember #2532 Sons of Confederate Veterans
General de Polignac Camp #1648 Northwest Louisiana Brigade Maryland Division
Taliaferro County Camp #76, Crawfordville, Georgia Texas Division Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War The Smithsonian Institution The Smithsonian Associates Civil War Studies
Nonspecific Web Sites
The American Civil War Archives The American Civil War Homepage The American Civil War Institute of Campbellsville University
Black Hawk County Iowa Civil War Record Blue and Gray Magazine Brothers Bound: Information on the Civil War Era Prisoner of War Experience
Cincinnati Civil War Round Table Civil War and Collectible Books by C. Clayton Thompson Civil War Artillery
Civil War at Charleston, South Carolina Civil War Database (Service) Civil War Generals
Civil War Lookups The Civil War Music Store Civil War Photographic Gallery
Civil War Music from Spring River Music Civil War Skirmish Association (CWSA) The Confederate Network
Confederate Soldiers Cemetery CSS Neuse Deleware River Gallery (Historical Art)
The Gettysburg Address at Library of Congress Great Southern Men Memorial Guild Press of Indiana
Heritage Preservation Association Hoosier Blue and Gray Civil War Round Table How to Order CW Military & Pension Records
Illinois in the Civil War Indiana in the Civil War Kennesaw Civil War Museum
Ken Turner's Civil War Homepage Mike's Confederate Collectables Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S.
Mississippi Civil War Information Missouri Civil War Soldier Books (State Historical Society Of Missouri) The National Civil War Association
New Bern Civil War Museum North Carolina Civil War History (Union County) Ohio in the Civil War
Sergeant Kirkland's Museum and Historical Society, Inc. Steve's Civil War Page Songs of America's Greatest Struggle
Tennessee Civil War Home Page Texas Confederate Pension Records The United States Civil War Center
U.S. Marine Detachment (1859-1865) The Valley of the Shadow: Living the Civil War in Virginia and Pennsylvania Virginia Civil War Home Page
Virginia Rosters Virginia Tech Libraries Special Collections 'Civil War' VMI Archives--Civil War Page
Individual Military Units
Alabama Regimental Histories Alabama Regiments in the Union Army 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company "H", C.S.A. 26th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
29th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 33rd Alabama Infantry Regiment, Company "E", C.S.A. 42nd Alabama Infantry, C.S.A.
48th Alabama Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 3rd Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment 5th Georgia Volunteer Cavalry  
8th Georgia Regiment, Company "G", C.S.A. 9th Georgia Infantry, C.S.A. 12th Georgia Battalion Artillery
32nd Georgia Volunteer Infantry 12th Indiana Volunteer Infantry 19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Company "A"
27th Indiana Volunteer Infantry 38th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Company "H" 42nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry Reenactment Unit
49th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Company "F" Reenactment Unit 15th Iowa Infantry 36th Iowa Volunteers Infantry
1st Kansas Volunteer Infantry 1st Kentucky (Orphan) Brigade, C.S.A. 22nd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
40th Kentucky Volunteer Mounted Infantry 53rd Kentucky Mounted Infantry 1st Louisiana Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A.
3rd Louisiana Infantry 12th Louisiana Infantry 14th Louisiana Regiment
19th Louisiana Regiment 28th Louisiana Infantry 28th Maine Infantry Volunteers
1st Maryland Cavalry Battalion, C.S.A. 2nd Maryland Infantry, Company "A", C.S.A. 20th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
44th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Company "I" 3rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Company "A"
4th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 15th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, Company "D", C.S.A. The Wigfall Rifles 19th Mississippi Infantry
5th Missouri Infantry, C.S.A. 14th New Jersey Volunteers, Company "H" 2nd New York Regiment
14th New York Regiment, Brooklyn, Company "E" 39th New York Infantry - Garibaldi Guard 112th New York Infantry
14th US Colored Heavy Artillery / 1st North Carolina Colored Heavy Artillery 35th US Colored Infantry / 1st North Carolina Colored Infantry 36th US Colored Infantry / 2nd North Carolina Colored Infantry
37th North Carolina, Company "A" 3rd Ohio Volunteer Cavalry 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment
48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry Regiment 49th Ohio Volunteer Infantry 76th Ohio Infantry Regimental History
53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company "C" 61st Pennsylvania Volunteers 84th Pennsylvania Volunteer
93rd Pennsylvania Infantry 1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Colored U.S. 2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment
3rd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment 7th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment 13th South Carolina Volunteer Regiment
15th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment 22nd South Carolina Volunteer Regiment, Company "B" 7th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, Company "B"
9th Tennessee Cavalry (unpublished diary) 20th Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A. 25th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, C.S.A.
44th Tennessee Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 5th Texas Cavalry, Partisan Rangers, C.S.A. 6th Texas Cavalry Battalion
6th Texas Cavalry Regiment, Company "F", "Stone's Rgmt." 10th Texas Infantry Regiment, C.S.A. 18th Texas Cavalry Regiment, Company "I", "Darnell's Rgmt."
28th Texas Cavalry, Company "I" 28th Texas Cavalry, Company "L" 35th Texas Cavalry Regimental History and Pension Extract
18th Virginia Cavalry 24th Virginia Infantry 30th Virginia Infantry Regiment
44th Virginia Infantry Regiment 51st Virginia Infantry Regiment 13th West Virginia Voluntary Roster and Genealogy of Soldier
15th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry 26th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment 28th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Outstanding Battles and Camps
Battle of Allatoona Pass Battle of Bentonville The Battle of Chancellorsville
Battle of Chickamauga: An Alabama Infantry Regiment's Perspective Battle of Fredericksburg Battle of Wilson's Creek
Battlefield Tours Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery and Museum Home Page Corinth National Battlefield Park
Civil War Order of Battle for Major Engagements Kernstown Battlefield Association Petersburg National Battlefield
Pickett's Mill Battlefield Historic Site Point Lookout Pow Organization Siege of Fort Blakeley, Alabama
Shiloh National Military Park Shiloh/Pittsburg Landing Staunton River Battlefield State Park
Prominent Individuals
Patrick Cleburne Society Jefferson Davis Memorial Stratford Hall Plantation (Birthplace of Robert E. Lee)
Abraham Lincoln Online Lieut. General James Longstreet, CSA The Ulysses S. Grant Association
Ulysses S. Grant Homepage Ulysses S. Grant Network Lieut. General Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox, CSA

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