County's Generals
Biographical data from:
Ohio in the War: Her Statesmen,her Generals, and Soldiers
by Whitelaw Reid
Moore,Wilstach & Baldwin
Obituaries,Western Reserve Chronicle
Major General Jacob Dolson Cox
Born October 27, 1828 Montreal Canada
Died August 4, 1900, Glouchester, MA
Buried:Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio
resident of Warren, Ohio 1853 - 1866 Lawyer, Superintendant,Warren Schools 1859 - 1861:Ohio State Senator April 1861:Brigadier General, Ohio Volunteers October 1862:Major General Spring 1863:Commander, Department of the Ohio December,1863: Commander, 23rd Army Corp 1866 - 1869:Governor, State of Ohio 1869 - 1870: U.S. Secretary of the Interior 1877 -1879:U.S. Representative from Ohio 1881 - 1897:Dean, Cincinnati University School of Law 1884 - 1889: President, University of Cincinnati
photograph courtesy MA Commandary, MOLLUS