Boy Scouts of America
Troop 105's Homepage
The Adventure Begins Here!
Summer is approaching and that means Summer Camp. This year Troop 105 is going to Camp Matigwa as well as sending a group of thirteen scouts on a high adventure to Camp Laramie Peaks in Wyoming.
Some of these buttons may not be linked up yet.
This homepage is checked once a week to keep
it current. Check back for new links then.
A Little About Us.
Our troop is located in Carroll, IA.
We currently meet every second and
fourth Tuesdays. Every third Tuesday
we have PLC meetings. Troop meetings
are held at the First Presbyterian
Recently our Scoutmaster, Mr. Beazor,
Assistant Scoutmaster, Mr. Uzel, and
Committee Chairperson finished the
adult training course.

The troop now has six trained scout
leaders. We are proud to say that all
of these leaders are also Youth
Protection Trained.
If you're.......
Looking for the requirements for required merit badges?
Just looking for the requirements for any merit badge at all?
Check out our Merit Badge pages.
Personal Fitness
Personal Management
Family Life
Huff!! Puff!!

Are we there yet?
Check out how you're doing.

Lost your book and need to keep track
of your advancement?

Rank requirements gives a complete
list of all requirements needed for
Scout to Eagle ranks as well as a current
list of your personal Troop 105