Pinky here. I am the welcoming committee. These other animals are ones that we used to live with, but my owner moved. We miss them. Thank you for stopping by and we hope you have an enjoyable stay.
Their names are Tigger
and Sabrina.
They are all VERY amply named also.
Pinky is the oldest and lives apart from these other ones now. She is 12 yrs old. Tigger is the only male and he is 11 yrs old. Taz is 4 years old. She stays primarily outside, by her choice. She seems to get this horrible attitude when she comes inside with all of the other animals. Sabrina came to us, because someone else couldn't keep her, and our owners were hard pressed to turn down a pet that will not make it. We think that she might be part Turkish Van. At least she is marked like one. She is 2 now.
Jewel is (well WAS) the only canine animal we had until she dominoed on 7-14 with 8 happy bouncing pups. One of them stayed while the rest found really wonderful homes. |
We also share our house with fish. We have Tetras, Mollies, one Shark, and an Algea eater.
HAHAHA they have to stay in that tank. Our people got a 30 gal fish tank. We are so glad that they have to stay in that tank. Well the owners finally put a lid on the tank. So I guess they don't want to lose any of the fish.
Our owners have this soft spots in their hearts for stranded or mis-treated animals. Just this year alone they have rescued 1 female cat with 6 kittens and 1 dog. They are so tender hearted. They get the animals to like humans again, since most of them are usually injured or almost wild, and then find them good homes. We do have to say that it does get crowded around here sometimes. We "the permanent cats and dogs" put up with it though because we know that the others won't be around long.
A few of our loved ones have gone to great beyond. Max passed on a couple of years ago. He was about 5 yrs old and orginally belonged to Pony Expresses dad, and when dad passed on Max only lasted a couple of weeks. Wings went to play with Max on 5/8/00. She was 15 years old and was Allens cat. She went peacefully and had a good life while she was with us. She brought everyone in the family alot of enjoyment. She originally belonged to my owners brother. When he moved we got her. She was the referee for the rest of us cats.

They are very missed and loved.
One thing that our family learned is: THAT YOU MUST READ ALL PARTS OF A LABEL ON ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO PUT ON A CAT OR FEED IT. In trying to be helpful on of our kids put some stuff on our Taz cat to try to help with the flea problem. He failed to read the label carefully and so her life was in danger. About $300.00 + and months later, we have a very healthy cat. Thanks to a very good vet. It was "Front Line" for DOGS. There is a reason it said for DOGS only. The dogs have an enzime in there body that helps break up the chemical. Cats lack that and the chemical effects their nervouse system and eventually kills them. If you have had any experience with that it is one of the most horrible things to have to go through for the cat and the owner. Not to mention the cost. The effects don't show up for about 3 days to a week. So we cats implore you to READ YOUR LABELS. Please pass this on to all the animal lovers you know. It could just save a cats life.

All About Fish
All About Cats
All About Dogs
A good page about whelping dogs and the breed of Shihtzus.