Stephanie's cord fell off exactly 4 weeks after she was born. I couldn't wait to give her her very first real bath. I thought that she would cry and squirm, but she really liked the water. I guess she got one thing from me...a love of water!
Here is a shot of Stephanie having her 2nd bath. Daddy and she seem to be having some kind of conversation about the bath that he is giving to her.
After her bath, Stephanie wraps up in her baby towel that Aunt Donnie Ann gave to her. She was talking to me in these two shots. I can't be real sure, but I suspect, she was telling me to put some clothes on her. Funny girl!
If you want to see more, really cute pictures of Stephanie in the bath go back to the home page and check out the Photo Album. There are LOTS of pictures in a quick loading format.