Merlene - 07/12/00 16:35:52 My How did you get here?: surfing! Do you have cats?: yes-3 | Comments: I went to this site because I, too, have a cat named Smudge. He's a big white fluffball, and he got this name because when we first found him as a kitten (or he found us)he had a little grey smude on top of his head. It's gone now, it must have been something he outgrew. We call him 'Smudgers' most of the time. I guess there are no totally original names for cats...But he's a great cat. Even patient(most of the time), with my 18 month old grandson. In fact, after my grandson left after spending the weekend at my house, Smudge went around meowing and looking around like he missed his little friend. (He puts up with far more from my grandson than my other two cats do.) |
brenda - 03/10/00 20:13:00 My How did you get here?: nailbox Do you have cats?: yes: 2 | Comments: Loved your pictures, you're very pretty kitties! I have 2 girls named Rosie and Ebony. Ebony is 1 yr old and looks very much like Smudgie. Rosie is a 10-yr old long-haired tiger who looks like a Maine Coon. We also have a Smudgie in our family. He is m "grand-cat". |
Tazy - 01/01/00 02:15:17 My URL: My How did you get here?: ??? Do you have cats?: Yes, 4 | Comments: Your page is the cats meow! |
Ellen, Apollo and Disco - 09/15/99 02:09:53 My URL: My How did you get here?: link from another site Do you have cats?: yes | Comments: Loved your site, Smudgie. You are a pretty kitty. Congratulations on your awards!! |
emma - 09/08/99 19:06:20 My How did you get here?: search Do you have cats?: Yes! | Comments: Smudge is soooo cute! |
James Bergen - 05/16/99 22:08:00 My How did you get here?: GeoCities World Report Do you have cats?: My wife and I have two cats. | Comments: Our 10 year old female cat, Tiger, is an orange tabby and our 7 month male, Shorty, is an orange and white tabby. Shorty is lively and gets into everything, but our 10 year old is like an lawn ornamate, just lays around and doesn't do much of anything. oth are indoor cats. |
Laura and Ralph - 03/16/99 19:25:17 My URL: My How did you get here?: Frum da rpcc Do you have cats?: No, we haf a humin | Comments: Hi,hi! Fangu fur da link! If ar dum humin effur getz bak tu wurk onna ar pajiz, we will gif yew a link back. |
Mercury Boo - 02/08/99 14:35:16 My URL: My How did you get here?: catring Do you have cats?: Have nothing! I am a cat! | Comments: What a pleasure to meet you all. Your human sounds rather decent. Mine is a constant bother. |
ms.crane - 01/12/99 11:50:33 My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/2301 My How did you get here?: webring Do you have cats?: yes! | Comments: Hello! Your kitties are beautiful as is your page! |
SueCat - 11/18/98 18:31:51 My URL: My How did you get here?: webring Do you have cats?: Three | Comments: You have a lovely site. I love meeting all the wonderful animal lovers out there! ![]() |
Haley, Mikki & Sunshine - 11/12/98 21:33:11 My How did you get here?: Nailbox Do you have cats?: we are cats! (3) | Comments: We wish that we could come out and play with you but we are far, far away from you. Hope that you have as much fun as we do when Mommy and Daddy aren't home. We eat the dried roses and the kleenex too. |
Connie - 11/11/98 17:24:29 My How did you get here?: You told me to Do you have cats?: No | Comments: Cheryl, what a great site. You did a good job. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
G. Baumann - 09/10/98 22:28:32 My URL: My How did you get here?: Another link Do you have cats?: YES!! HIMMIES | Comments:![]() |
The Batson Cats - 09/09/98 04:54:15 My How did you get here?: frum da RPCC! Do you have cats?: we are cats! (3 uff uz!) | Comments: Hihihi Kitties! Batson Cats heer! Wut luffly kitties yew are and yew all match tew! Blak an wite look furry gud tewgether! Wee injoyed yurown paje! Fangu furr invitin uz! Domonic, Otis and Matilda Marie >^..^< pee ess Sew glad yew all found such a wunnderful onetruhome!!! |
aline - 09/02/98 20:46:38 How did you get here?: surfing Do you have cats?: yes, six. | Comments: Nice page you have !! We have six cat's of our own. 3 siamees, 2 for. shorthair and one main coon. All beauty's and lovely. the main coon is hopefully pregnent. We 'll see. With love, Aline |
aline - 09/02/98 20:43:36 How did you get here?: surfing | Comments: |
aline - 09/02/98 20:42:55 | Comments: |
Paula - 08/27/98 10:57:59 My URL: My How did you get here?: surfing the net Do you have cats?: One beautiful siamese cat | Comments: Nice site....Smudge is soooooo cute. Come visit our site and please don't forget to sign our guestbook too! |
Jaz - 08/24/98 04:22:41 My How did you get here?: web ring Do you have cats?: yes, 4 of 'em | Comments: You are just too cute Smudgie!! You have a great place here. Your buddy Panda is a cutie too, he looks like my Shazam. |
The Woobob Cats - 07/27/98 20:07:00 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just surfed on in. Do you have cats?: Yes | Comments: Hi Smudgie! We were surfing around on a cat web ring and stopped by to see you. One of us is named Smudge, but he's a male siamese-mix kitty. come and visit us. We liked your photos. We like to do similar poses. |
Pat - 1998/07/21 12:20:000 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In | Comments: What a great page! So much to see and do. I think Smudgie is absolutely adorable |
Kelley - 1998/07/14 16:00:00 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In | Comments: Great page, cute kitties |
Kira - 06/15/98 14:04:59 My URL: My How did you get here?: From LinkExchange Do you have cats?: Yes | Comments: What a beautiful bunch of kitties! Everyone should have a little smudge in their life I think. :::purr:: ![]() |
Daysleeper - 05/25/98 10:09:00 My URL: My Email:Daysleeper How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In | Comments: You have been visited by the one, the only, ![]() |
Paula Beauregard - 04/15/98 20:56:08 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In | Comments: Love your site and would be more than honored if you would surf to my site and consider me for one of your awards. Please sign my guestbook while you are there! |
Gary - 04/14/98 23:16:28 My How did you get here?: From Geocities Do you have cats?: Yes | Comments: Great page!!! Your Panda reminds me of my Missy. Hope my page looks as good when it is done. Keep up the good work.Have a good one. |
Daisy Mae - 04/14/98 23:18:52 My URL: My How did you get here?: Do you have cats?: Yes | Comments: Wonderful pages! We really enjoyed our visit. We hope you'll come visit us sometime soon too! (((((purrs))))) |
Angela - 04/11/98 20:05:34 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In Do you have cats?: Yes...and more! | Comments: Hello!! Your pages are so nice, I like them! I've found some interesting things and links here. I enjoyed my visit here very much, I enjoyed the funny photos of your beautiful cats :-). It's always nice to meet another responsible animal lover. I'm sure t return to visit you again :-). I wish you and your cats a Happy Easter! Have a great day - greetings from Germany, Angela and her cats, dogs and birds |
Mrs. Wiggles an Pouncer - 04/08/98 06:47:48 My URL: My How did you get here?: Word of Mouth Do you have cats?: We iz kittiz | Comments: Deer Smudgie an awl. Wez putted ewz on r pagi. Fagu fur likin arez, wez likez yerz tuu. Bisit uz anityme . Wez noze whut yew meenz bi sighnin bukz. |
Vera - 04/07/98 00:08:00 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In | Comments: Thanks for signing my guestbook and your complimentary words. What an honor that you put my link on your homepage! And what a homepage! You've done a wonderful job here and have a lot to be proud of. I love seeing the pictures of your kitties. They'r very lucky and Oh! so beautiful! I'm thrilled that you visited my site, giving me the chance to 'jump' over here and see yours. What a treat! Thanks again! (I'll be back!) |
Punkins & Puddi Cat - 04/06/98 01:35:23 How did you get here?: Furm da Newzgroupz Do you have cats?: We are catz! | Comments: Hi There! Weze like your sight - furry nice. Punkins & Puddi Cat |
Farleycat and Maryann HH - 04/05/98 18:50:57 My URL: My How did you get here?: RPCC Do you have cats?: Yes and No | Comments: Hihi Smudgie and Panda and L.B! Furry nize webpage yew hab! We iz impurrested by all da pickturs! Yew all ar a furry nize looking bunch! |
MizBee - 03/18/98 06:30:08 My URL: My How did you get here?: Just Surfed On In Do you have cats?: Yes | Comments: Linked all you cat lovers straight to my cat page! (The attached banner is the home) This is a real treat here, just can't hear the music. Some cresendo I do, others...? The cat rules are funny/true. Will link that page some day. :-) ![]()
josie - 03/17/98 06:10:57 My URL: My How did you get here?: Word of Mouth Do you have cats?: I am a kat! | Comments: Mew Mew Smudgie, Panda, and LB! Here I am signing your mommie's guestbook. I don't like people messing with my nails, especially when mommie trims my claws, so I will not ask your mommie fur a manicure... I hope you mommie would hurryhurryhurry and scan in some photos of Panda! :) I will be back to visit you kitties... and I will be sure to bring treats next time... I used all my toona coins from my allowance this week on a can of Pounce.. What can I say? They're hard to resist! Purrs, ~josie |