This is my lil' girl...Smudge and this is her little spot on the web. I named her Smudge because she was so small when she was born, just a wee smudge of black in the bottom of the wood box. Now at over 7 years old, she is up to 15 pounds. She of course has a few nicknames....Fuzzbucket, Mizmudgie and Da Queen. Not that she answers to any of them. However she is known to put a hustle on when the word "TREAT" is called out.
She is the boss of the house, supervising all goings on and guests. She is an inside cat but she does enjoy going out on her leash to graze on the lawn or sit on the back porch. She is the first cat who i have ever owned...or who owned me, I should say.
........................ Who me??
For NEW pictures of Smudgie click here
And this little boy is Smudgies "brother". He was found at a roadside rest and has made himself at home here, and after a rocky start, he and Smudge get along fine. He's a loving cat and a real snuggle-kitty, he was worth every mile of that 60 mile round trip to go back for him. His name is Mr. Pandemonium but we just call him Panda. Even after 6 years with me he is still a very shy cat and runs to hide at most any noise or movement.
For NEW pictures of Panda click here
In the fall of 1999 a new face took up residency on the back porch. A rumpled polydactil orange tabby. It was easy to see he desperatly wanted to be friends but was too frightened. Some time and food changed that and one day he took a trip to the vets and then finally was allowed into the house. Now called Punkin, he has never had any desire to step out again. (Much to Smudgies and Pandas disgust!) Here he is showing off his "Baseball mitts". My friend Amy calls him Romeo because he is such a lover, I call him Velco kitty because he never is more than 6 inches away from me.
...................... Doesn't every cat have her own e-mail box??? We send little gifts from the litter box to spammers!. Mizmudgies mail
Panda has his own E-mail too!
For those bookish ailurophiles who love a good mystery, if you haven't read any of the Cat who series of "tails" you've been missing a real treat!
There are presently 20 of these wonderful who dunnits by the author Lilian Jackson Braun. The first, THE CAT WHO COULD READ BACKWARDS, introduces the main characters of James Qwillerian a crime reporter with a dark past and a bright future, and his extremely intellegant partner Kao K'o Kung (aka Koko) the Siamese cat.
Koko later gains a companion in a beguiling female Siamese named YumYum.
Throughout the books this threesome solve crimes and endear themselves to the reader with their wit and whimsey. Although the first book debuted in 1968 they have remained popular among mystery lovers.
Ms. Brauns' most recent offering is THE CAT WHO SMELLED A RAT
There is also a collection of short stories by Ms. Braun titled THE CAT WHO HAD 14 TALES
I highly recommend these books to any feline or mystery lovers!
Another of Mizmudgies favorite authors of kitty fiction and good mysteries, are the Rita Mae Brown offerings.The Sneaky Pie series of "tails" are set in Virgina. Mrs. Murphy, Pewter and Tee Tucker, (two cats and a dog respectivly) are the stars. Oh....there are a few humans of course, but the real crime solvers have four legs!
There are presently 10 of these wonderful stories. There is a new offering from Ms. Brown by the name of is The Tail of the Tip-Off
and there will be a new release in April 2004 of Whisker of Evil. Something for Miz to look forward to.
I highly recommend these books to any feline or mystery lovers!
A very enjoyable non-fiction book that cat lovers might like is the two book offering (They come separately or together) from Peter Gethers named The Cat Who Went To Paris / The Cat Abroad.
These books tell the story of a cat hater who, upon being given a Scottish Fold kitten, find a best friend in his furry buddy Norton. There is another book that follows these two but I haven't read it yet as it deals with the last of their years together.![]()
Some of Smudgie and Pandas friends and their homepages.
Did ya hear the joke about the cat who....???
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water, and warm spring weather. Those old and frail animals are young again. Those who have been maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other. But there is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the days comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up. The nose twitches, the ears are up, the eyes are staring, and this one suddenly runs from the group. You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. - Anonymous
Here is some poetry for, or by, cats.
This is Smudgies fluff- her name is "YumYum"..... The other fluff belongs to Panda, his name is "Phittt"......
You can adopt a fluff of your own at ![]()
Don't furget tu visit my Meowmys website! The Nailbox. She haz sum neet stuf there!
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Last worked on- December 2, 2004. That doesn't mean it still doesn't need more work!