Lance's Home Page

Welcome to my corner of the Internet!

This doesn't look a thing like me
It is better to have tried and failed, than to have failed to try.
-Lance Null

Pages about me

Lance in Grand Canyon Here is a little about me Kosh and Delynn helping make the bed
Take a look at my home
I do marathons, half marathons and triathlons.
Here is how I make a living now.
IDT was where I used to work.
Take a look at my time in the Navy.

The last school I took courses at: NTU

My Graduate School University of Phoenix

My Undergraduate School Arizona State University

NorCal Sun Devils (ASU Alumni Association)

ASU Alumni Association Main Page

Instant Messaging / Chat

Honestly I'm not on IM much anymore. Come see me on my Facebook site:
Lance Null

My Yahoo ID: lordnullthecruel or lance_the_brat
My AOL IM: LoneWolfLN

What is a real friend ?
A Humor page
Some quotes for you
My Comics page
Check the weather where I live, and other cities I track.
A Christmas Humor page
Here is some of the previous pages I have had on this site

Links to other sites on the Web

Do you like science fiction?
Here's some more of my favorite links.
A page of fun stuff (Still UC) - a fun store (mocking Successories.)

Calpine Homepage Quick Links: IDT Homepage
Southwest Airlines
Calpine homepage Playboy Magazine IDT homepage
CPN Nasdaq : IDTI

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Quotes are delayed 20 minutes during market hours

This site last BRIEFLY updated Nov 12, 2008
© 2008 Lance Null

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