Hello from The Scott Family and welcome to our home on the web.

My name is Shirley. I strive to be a Proverbs 31 Woman. Being a Christian is a very important part of my life.

My hobbies include bible study, genealogy, reading, cooking, crocheting, target shooting (shotgun and handgun), e-mail and volunteer work.

I have recently been led by the Lord to take my small e-group and turn it into a real ministry. For more information, visit Womantalk Ministries.

To fulfill my ministry as a Proverbs 31 Woman, I offer unique gifts for the entire family. To view what is available and to place an order, please visit Shirley's Proverbs 31 Endeavors

Ken is a security officer at a major university in our area. His career has included being a police officer, a corrections officer, and a security officer. His hobbies are watching TV, target shooting, collecting knives and reading.

My daughter, Amanda, her husband and step-daughter live about 10 miles from us.

Our son, Alex, enjoys school, riding his bike, reading, and video games. He in the 8th grade. He is active in the Youth Group at our church and has a volunteer spirit.

Proud to be a Vietnam VeteranProud to be the family of a Veteran

Click on the medals above to view our photo album.

Thank you Veterans!

Click on the graphic above to see our page of Veteran and other Military links


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� 1998 - 2009 shirleyscott@cebridge.net

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