I hope you're having a really wonderful day, but if you're not, maybe, on this page you'll find words to cheer you or words to comfort you. They will certainly be words to live you're life by. Each week there will be new Scripture Verses with simple thoughts to help you live you're life in the way Jesus wants you to live it, and that is a life filled with peace and joy.
"If you listen to correction to improve your life, you will live among the wise. Those who refuse correction hate themselves, but those who accept correction gain understanding. Respect for the Lord will teach you wisdom. If you want to be honored, you must be humble. Proverbs 15:31-33
"If you hide your sins, you will not succeed. If you confess and reject them, you will receive mercy. Proverbs 28:13
At some point in each of our lives we need more than just good advice. We need deep down, in your soul kind of help. When we've made a mistake, let's reach out to the one who offers mercy. With His help we can turn our mistakes into opportunities. God has shown us the way through the lives of David, Paul and Peter.
To admit you have been wrong is but saying that you are wiser today than you were yesterday.
I will, on occasion, make a few "editorial" comments pertaining to the scripture or thought.
May God Richly Bless you!
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