daryl rivers - 09/29/99 12:23:26 My Email:haevyyd@juno.com Kennel name: none | Comments: hello, just have a few questions for ya. i just purchased my first STAFF, shes 7wks old, has a great temp and personality. she will be the family pet and will be enrolled in puppy classes real soon. is there anything i should know or look for in her that ay cause a problem later. her parents are very sweet dogs and very socialable. again this is mt first STAFF and want to do all i can to make sure i have a happy,healthy puppy. please feel free to comment, suggest on my questions. your expertise and knowle ge will be appreciated. |
Ainslie bernoth - 09/13/99 09:58:44 My URL: My Email:ghauto@eisa.net.au Kennel name: TangoGold Staffords Number of AmStaffs you own: 2 & 3 english staffs Activities dogs participate in: CD, CDX , & conformation shows | Comments: Amy, loved your site and belle, pete, and all your georgous dogs. I am living and breeding Amstafs in Australia and doing my best to be out there socilizing and promoting this rare breed over here. Loved all the pics and info on your site, I like natural ars but realise its difficult to show in US with them. also loved your pedigree page was really well done and very informative. If you are considering breeding in the future and have a show quality puppy you would consider exporting to Australia, please e ail me ..:)) regards Ainslie |
Ainslie bernoth - 09/13/99 09:58:42 My URL: My Email:ghauto@eisa.net.au Kennel name: TangoGold Staffords Number of AmStaffs you own: 2 & 3 english staffs Activities dogs participate in: CD, CDX , & conformation shows | Comments: Amy, loved your site and belle, pete, and all your georgous dogs. I am living and breeding Amstafs in Australia and doing my best to be out there socilizing and promoting this rare breed over here. Loved all the pics and info on your site, I like natural ars but realise its difficult to show in US with them. also loved your pedigree page was really well done and very informative. If you are considering breeding in the future and have a show quality puppy you would consider exporting to Australia, please e ail me ..:)) regards Ainslie |
eilfeld ingolf - 09/05/99 20:19:33 | Comments: |
eilfeld ingolf - 09/05/99 20:19:29 | Comments: |
frank - 09/04/99 14:25:34 | Comments: i love american staffs! |
larry lawson - 08/25/99 01:21:10 My URL:http://geocities.yahoo.com/Petsburgh/Fair/1232/ My Email:llawson@kumc.edu Number of AmStaffs you own: None | Comments: Nice site and a great little dog! |
Helen - 08/24/99 02:45:09 My Email:felong8@hotmail.com Kennel name: n/a (dogs are from Gaff lines) Activities dogs participate in: conformation,obedience soon to start agility. | Comments: Beautiful dogs. Keep up the good work |
Driekie Potgieter - 08/13/99 13:53:18 My Email:driekiep@vrn.iscorltd.co.za | Comments: I am not a Kennel owner. Just an animal lover, especially staffordshire's. Your animals are really great!! I have two staffies, a male (Austin) and female (Katryn). |
Gail Boyd - 08/04/99 18:33:28 My Email:GSUE10@Yahoo.com Number of AmStaffs you own: None | Comments: I have been searching for kennels and breeders for Staffordshires in Michigan. Hope to get a puppy in Oct-Nov time frame. Will be a companion dog for me. I have never shown dogs, but have been thinking of checking that out. |
- 07/27/99 19:28:43 | Comments: |
Ellen Twigg-Patrick - 07/11/99 12:16:29 My Email:mookyblu@CYOU.com Kennel name: Preferred Natural Number of AmStaffs you own: two Activities dogs participate in: conformation/obedience/rescue | Comments: This is an exceptionally well done sight that really shows how versatile AND beautiful this breed can be. Just wish that Belle's ears had never been done. Her Puppy pictures show such good "...preferred naturals" |
Sarah Doty - 07/09/99 22:45:15 My URL:/Heartland/Garden/9150/ My Email:sdoty@tbcnet.com Kennel name: LAKOTA KENNEL Number of AmStaffs you own: Three(3) co-own (1) Activities dogs participate in: conformation, OB, agility & just fun | Comments: Stopped by to see peds and Belle's mom & dad, very nice, great ped on her. |
Sue Mallette - 07/02/99 20:55:37 Number of AmStaffs you own: 2 Males 1 Femal Activities dogs participate in: pets | Comments: enjoyed your web page very much keep up the good work |
Daryl Moore-Stone - 06/08/99 13:07:58 My Email:www.@aoL.MyLogo200.com Kennel name: Kaos Kennels Number of AmStaffs you own: 3 in the Kennel Activities dogs participate in: Dog shows/W pulling | Comments: I am very interested in purchasing a dog from your kennel. I would also like to know more about their show records. |
Richard Tuttle - 03/23/99 16:57:30 My Email:Rrtuttle@aol.com Kennel name: The Tuttle Family Number of AmStaffs you own: Awaiting one from Belle Activities dogs participate in: Running, Biking, walking, dog training, dog tricks, dog shows | Comments: Amy, our family loves your Website and we want to thank you for all your help. Both you and your Website have great information. I hope you continue to share your knowledge and this great wealth of information with others. Congratulations on your win at 1999 Detroit Kennel Club Show. Outstanding!!! Belle is the friendliest and best-behaved dog that i have ever met. Yep even better than my own kids (dogs). You should put the picture of Belle from DKC show in your Website. She looked great. Take care, The Tuttle Family |
Jose Ortiz - 12/26/98 05:00:09 | Comments: |
CJ - 11/11/98 15:25:02 My Email:COOL CJ Activities dogs participate in: FUN | Comments: |
E.McClinton - 10/21/98 15:43:20 My Email:Trickytre@hotmail.com | Comments: Your page helped me out more than you'll ever Know. I'm going to purchase me a Amstaff in the near future and your page gave me a lot of insight. Thanks and Keep up the Good WORK!!!!! |
Jackie Brown - 10/18/98 22:37:53 My Email:namaste@emeraldis.com Activities dogs participate in: conf, obed, agility | Comments: Hi Amy! Love your website :) Picked the link up off the FAST site. I am looking forward to meeting you and Belle in person at the Nationals. Blessings to all your 2 legged and 4 legged family! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
CarolMeling - 10/03/98 14:59:25 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~YUKONAST/home.html My Email:yukon@molalla.net Kennel name: Yukon Amstaffs Number of AmStaffs you own: 6 currently, 8 in a few weeks Activities dogs participate in: confirmation | Comments: Hi Amy - like your page:-) |
- 09/18/98 01:32:59 | Comments: |
Amy - 09/06/98 02:22:36 | Comments: Hello. |
Lisa Mawson - 04/18/98 02:59:53 My Email:DJMawson@aol.com Kennel name: --- Activities dogs participate in: obed., agility, Sch., weight pulling | Comments: I love to see a good working Staff! Especially one that is happy working and hasnt had the enthusiasm corrected out of him. I cherrish their spirit, this is the only breed for me. |