This is my sweet baby Maya. I lost her in an accident in March of 2003. I think about her every day. She will never be forgotten.

Maya completed her Working Dog title in IWPA weight pull. She had three legs on her Working Dog Excellent title. In obedience, Maya had one leg on her CD. She passed the ATTS temperament test and had her Canine Good Citizen.

Maya was out of Ch. Rounder's Blackheart and Ch. Cruisin for a Bluisin' CDX CGC ROH OFA OFEL. She was bred by Sean Nowicki of Cruisin' Kennels and Richard and Chris Gray of Rounders Kennels in Texas. To see Sean's website click here. To see the Rounders website click here.

Click here to see Maya's pedigree.

Below are some older pictures of Maya.

She is great with puppies. That's her underneath the pile.

To see Maya's father click here

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