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Genealogy on AOL by Elizabeth Powell Crowe List Price: $24.99 Our Price: $19.99 You Save: $5.00 (20%) Paperback - 256 pages (August 1998) McGraw-Hill Book Company Not Yet Available: Set to be released by the publisher soon. You may still buy this book online
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Genealogy Online for Dummies; Dummies Technology Press![]()
SynopsisExplaining how to use the home computer to maintain and publish one's genealogy information, this book contains a helpful directory to great sites for collecting genealogy information from the World Wide Web, newsgroups, mailing lists, and online service providers. The CD-ROM contains the software for connecting to a selected online service. 150 illustrations.ReviewsThe author, Matthew and April Leigh Helm (mhelm@tbox.com), 05/15/98A common sense guide to researching your genealogy online. You're probably asking yourself how this book differs from the many other available genealogy books. Some books tell you only the traditional methods of genealogical research--others that do talk about online methods tend to group them by type of resource rather than explaining how you can integrate the many Internet resources to achieve your genealogical goals. In Genealogy Online for Dummies we provide details on how to prepare for going online, research names on the Internet, find locations where your ancestors lived, locate government, ethnic and hard to find records, publish your genealogical findings on the World Wide Web, and a provide a glossary of Internet and genealogical terms--all with a focus on integrating the many available resources. We also include several tools on the accompanying CD-ROM to assist you in your research including the full Basic Edition of the bestselling Family Tree Maker genealogical software, useful Internet utilities and browsers, and genealogical utilities to help you place your genealogy on the Internet. | ||
Netting Your Ancestors : Genealogical Research on the Internetby Cyndi Howells
ReviewsThe author, Cyndi Howells, cyndihow@oz.net, 11/23/97The only how-to book of its kind for Internet genealogy! My book takes you through all the ins and outs of the three most important tools you will use in your online research: e-mail, mailing lists & newsgroups, and the web. In writing this book I have answered questions that I have been asked in e-mail from visitors to my web site, Cyndi's List, and in the many classes that I have taught for genealogical research on the Internet. Students in my classes, and now readers of my book, all agree that whether you have been online for a year or if you are new to the Internet, you will find many new ideas, strategies and tips all throughout the book to aid you in Netting Your Ancestors.
The publisher, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 10/23/97
Customer CommentsKaren Isaacson (karen@rand.org) from the mountains of Southern California, 12/15/97The essential book for beginning Internet genealogists I don't know how Cyndi finds time to keep her fabulous web site up-to-date, let alone write a book that will get beginners in Internet genealogy off on the right foot, but she's done it. Now, if she'd just do a second miracle, and write a book for Internet oldbies, too!
pamlit@reach.net from Wellington, Ontario, Canada, 11/27/97
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Virtual Roots : A Guide to Genealogy and Local History on the World Wide Webby Thomas Jay Kemp
ReviewsAmazon.comVirtual Roots is very helpful, providing URLs, postal addresses, and e-mail addresses. Formatted by specific categories, the book will save hours of randomly surfing the net. Even with the links and search engines available on the Internet, Virtual Roots is a must for the computer genealogist.
Curt B. Witcher, Manager, Historical Genealogy Department, Allen County Public Library
P. William Filby, Former Director, Maryland Historical Society, Fellow of the Society of Genealogists, London, Fellow of the National Genealogical Society
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Printed Sources : A Guide to Published Genealogical RecordsBuy this book online
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Genealogy Via the InternetTracing Your Family Roots Quickly and Easily : Computerized Genealogy in Plain EnglishBy: Ralph Roberts Buy this book online
SynopsisThe Internet and the World Wide Web have made searching family histories fast, fun, and easy. In this humorous and informative book, readers will find genealogical programs, resources available through the Internet, and online databases where one can search for family information.
ReviewsCustomer Commentsvjones@aeneas.net from Martin, TN, 11/03/97 Extremely well written and informative. I have read several books about performing genealogy research on line, but this book is by far the best! It gives you hits, tips, software reviews, and, best of all, LOTS of links to genealogy sites on the WWW. This books is definitely worth its modest price for anyone who is, or is considering, performing genealogical research.
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A Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Female AncestorsSpecial Strategies for Uncovering Hard-To-Find Information About Your Female Lineageby Sharon Debartolo Carmack Anyone who has done genealogical research can tell you that frequently its the maiden name side of the equation which yields the greatest results. Buy this book online
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Unpuzzling Your Past : A Basic Guide to Genealogyby Emily Anne CroomA great place to start. If you haven't done genealogy research before, there are many pitfalls ahead for you. Avoid the common mistakes and get uncommon results. Buy this book online
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Unpuzzling Your Past : A Basic Guide to GenealogyGenealogy Online : Researching Your Roots : Web EditionElizabeth Powell Crowe Buy this book online
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