Corinne's Homepage

This is a picture of MY FAMILY taken on our son Yves's Graduation day. We are situated in New-Brunswick Canada.

This here is YVES on his graduation day June 1997. He now graduated from NBCC Miramichi in Multimedia. He was born on May 5th 1979. We are very proud of him.

This is our sweet daughter DANI. She was born on December 10th 1984. She loves to talk (HEHE).She's our other pride and joy.

There she is AGAIN but this time with her best friend joline (yeap Kenny Rogers wrote a song 'bout her. lol ) This is what you get when you work hard and really apply yourself, you become Second Princess and Miss Talent."

This is Me and DANIEL , by the way .. I am the PRETTY one with the red hair. Daniel is the other one. He is just sooo crazy about me. We were married on August 7th 1981.

This is my husband DANIEL acting silly. He was born on December 2th 1958 in a family of ten. He's a wonderful DADand Husband.

Now here I am CORINNE at my favorite place in the house, my computer. My hobbies and intrest are chatting of course,dancing,music,taking long walks and lots more.

Here i am again as the country girl i am. I don't like the fast lane of the city. I was born on August 16th 1962 in a family of 3. I am a stay at home mom and wife.

Here's a link to my very good friend Paul's homepage.

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