The Haven

Welcome to our Adoption Haven!

For your convenience I have placed a name next to our adoptions.

Feel free to take the certificate with your adoption.


The graphics on these page are all my creations and a link must

be provided back to either this page


or to our graphic index at

You can use the above certificate with the link or just the html.

They can be resized and names can be added to the character or

on the adoption certificate.


Some of our creations are animated as above.

Domino   Angelina

These will look best on a light background.


Please excuse the loading time, so you can view all our haveneers.

Lavenia   Faradina

myrshorsetrhatmys.gif (10915 bytes)Dustry

myblucatttrmyprplg.gif (9869 bytes)Stelleanora   

butflyrpk.gif (6762 bytes)Flutterlea Cat(8265 bytes)Kastella



If you have any questions, or would like a name placed on any,

just use the email link below and ask.  If you use any of these

we would appreciate your letting us know.  Also we will be

listing links of the Adoptee's and their pages.

Mail(7529 bytes)

On to The Nest, page 2 of adoptions or The Condo, page 3 of adoptions

Haven (15973 bytes)

These are originals by Storme Designs.  If you would

like something created exclusively for you, please visit our

business site at Storme Designs.

Our regular graphic site is at Storme Millennium Graphic Platform.

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This site was tended on May 20, 2004.


Geocities (7826 bytes)