I've decided to leave the Garden here all year round! It reminds me of my
Granparfurs in Florida. Theme pages will be listed under their names. I still try and
celebrate Cat Day seven days a week! The d*g calls it Catastrophe day, meow. Please be
patient, this page may take awhile to load, since the garden is in bloom!

The flowers are budding, as the birds and ducks
search for a pond.

I now let my little sisfur, Storme, play here sometimes.

I left some treats our for my special TCMC, Claw,
Fat is Fun and Furship

I'ves been watering plants
Moke, my wink has brought me some beautiful roses and promises
to keep them
blooming all year round!
Mysty's patriotic, catriotic salute is at Mysty's Stars 'n Stripes
Porch .
You can sit one the Porch and watch our
new Fireworks
This year, 2004, we're celebrating the
4th with the Fat is Fun Group. Please
visit our
Independence Day
Celebration and
Evening sparklers.

updated are the adoption pages. Please
visit The
Haven. There are four pages of all types including animations, hope you
like them.
The bird house was crafted by
my talented wink,
Moke! Thank mew!
Mysty and Meomie have updated the Graphic Platform with more cards and sets
including some cat ones. Mysty made the birdhouse for her feathered friends below.

Mysty and her sisfur, the d*g, have joined forces in the Study.
Pet information, newsletters
with links and more will be posted there.

Thanks to my special friend, Boo, for this
Site Fight Spirit Flower.
Click the flower to Get one.
A lovely bird fountain from my wink, Moke.
We just want to take one minute to warn parents, especially new ones that bee
and wasp bites can be life threatening to some kitties and children! If you know they are
allergic, you probably already carry emergency treatment. If you don't, and they show any
reactions, take the victim immediately for emergency treatment. Reactions include loss of
color (becomes pale), and shortness of breath. Enjoy the gardens, and be prepared!
Where will this cat take you?

Another wonderful bird fountain made by and in memory of Lloyd

Mysty is asking everyone to visit Millennium Care Site
to help a child in need. Right now you can express your caring by signing a Guestbook for
an injured boy! Nadia's mother is making headway too and more missing children and causes
are listed there.

Please remember to keep all small object and any type of plastic safely
put away from all cats, small children and animals, thank you.

Ticks seem to all over this year already, please be careful. The pet stores
have a plastic spoon type tick remover for around $3. We recommend trying it. It has
worked successfully on many humans also with removing the entire tick. Remember to put
your tick in a container with a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol and take it to be tested
as soon as possible.
The ducks looking for a pond are fromKitty's PageWorks and cannot
be copied here. Please click through to her page for her graphics. Most of our graphic
links, where the flower bar, row of butterflies, boy painting fence and windox box came
from Charlie's World, A Touch of Country Graphics, C'mere, Mary Garren and SherryBerry
Graphics listing all the great graphics around the web are now at Mysty's Graphic's
Library or from our graphic site, Storme
Designs, like the Mysty's Garden Gate and graphic set on this page. Please remember
graphics cannot be copied unless the artist allows. If they can be copied, as many artists
permit, please right click always and save to as picture or target to your own computer.
Graphics can never be altered either and are for use on personal pages normally.
A lovely Easter greeting from my
friends, and wink, Moke, thank
you. Click the greeting and visit their mystic site! Wishing you all a
wonderful holiday and spring season.
This many
have viewed our flowers, since July 12, 2004.
Both our counters went down and put a new one up again.
This page was last tended March 1, 2008.

We have a more descriptive index of our graphic border sets and
graphics at the Loft .
Please do not take any of these graphics made by Mysty and her
If you would like any, please write.
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Thanks to
this page.