Graphic Lists and Newsletters
Picture Perfect is a
picture trading club on AOL also. They have themes and requests. They also have a
newsletter and contests. Recently they have been including Paint Shop Tutorials and more.
They now have a web site at Picture Perfect
Graphics, where some of my work and tutorials are online. Click Here to join.
LCS Graphics is a graphic tutorial group. They
try and help with many aspects of graphic creating. They have contests and share tutorials
and more. To join contact Learning, Caring and Sharing
Name Plate Frenzy is another group. They
also have other groups, like fonts, tubes and more. They have a group to request graphics,
then you can request if you want to receive all the requests or not. To join their graphic
list, click NPF graphics.
Gorgeous Graphics trades graphics, has contests and much more.
to join. You can also visit their website at
Gorgeous Graphics
for more info.
Everything Under the Sun, EUTS shares graphics, tags, tubes,
games, wavs and more. They have tag contests also. To join click
I'd like to join Everything Under The Sun!
A Touch of Class has been around for awhile.
They share graphics and much more. For info or to join click on
I Would Like to Join .
Snowbird Graphix is a newer group sharing pictures and more.
They have weekly games also. To join or for more info click on
Sassy PSP trades and send out graphics, tubes and more. They have a variety of
activities and Paint shop tutorials and classes. You can visit their web page at Sassy n PSP's page to join or send mail to Sassy n PSP.
GLAD is an Aol club that trades graphics
and backgrounds. Members can request themes and others will try and supply them. They
group helps with technical support and sends a technical newsletter also. Newly included
is a coloring book group. You can request a nametag from some talented members, who send
some of their original graphics to the members. They have two of my sets at their site,
but the link I have is not working at present.
Glad the
Coloring Book is an offshoot of the above. They send out coloring pages
regularly. You can also send pages, request pages and send in your coloring results.
Click the Coloring Book
to join. I am not sure this one is active currently.
I won in the
Bob's Files has a few newsletters on different topics. Most are geared to computer
hints and tips including search engines, aol, music, windows and more. To join write to Bob's Files.
Pretty Much Sharing, PMS, is a new group to share tags, graphics and more. To joing
click PMS.
Moody Graphics, recently reopened, is a growing list for graphics lovers. They
share pictures, tags, backgrounds, tubes, tutorials, etc.... they have a daily theme,
thought for the day, birthday club, daily fonts, horoscopes and more. If you are
interested in joining this list, please click Moody Graphics.
You will be required to fill out a small disclaimer to be added.
Touch of Class Graphics offers Daily Updates, Daily Theme Suggestions, Graphics
Sharing, PSP Tutorials, PSP Tech Support, Tubes, Fonts, Thought for the Day, Trivia,
Request Page, Jokes, Birthday Club, Contests of all kinds, Custom Tags, etc. To join
contact Touch of class Graphics.
Totally Terrific Tags! A new Tags group, You must be 18 or older. You Must have AOL 4.0
or 5.0 or CompuSever 2000 and PSP or a graphics program.We do have a small disclaimer to
sign. We offer Tag's sharing, and so much more. Click to join TTT
Panda's Parlor is an open trading group featuring graphics,tags, tubes, tutorials,
contests and challenges, recipes, trivia, and fun. They are a G to PG rated group.. with
some junior members, so no nudity or profanity allowed. A Disclaimer is required, as with
every group. To join send mail to Panda's Parlor or
to,Panda's Parlor.
Picture Club on Aol trades backgrounds and graphics. Members try and fill requests, as
well as provide technical assistance. Some talented members will even make graphics, like
my wonderful background and name tags. They have nametags, trivia contests and more. Click
on the Say picture button to join.
Duckie Graphics and Fun Club is a newer group that is family orientated. They trade
graphics, links, games, fonts, tags and more. To join contact Duckies Graphics
Heather's Graphics Heaven
trades graphics, tubes and more. Has daily themes and tag contests.
Visit Tech TV to sign up for their Call for Help newsletter recapping what you see on
the television show. Vist Call for help and
sign on.
Music Newsletters
The dowops is a music list. It has wavs fully compressed and made by the sender, they
send 5 songs Monday to Friday, with requests taken on Wednesdays. Its an oldies but
goodies list. to join contact the dowops.
Page Newsletters
Tippers, the Website is a
page of computer and web tips. They have an enormous amount of help and links. If you
would like a weekly reminder to visit the site when it is updated, sign up at the site.
Advertisement Lists
Spoiled Bratz Advertisement is an email newsletter that
sends out lists of groups you can join. Lately there have been more of
these lists, which often advertise lists like a link exchange. As with
all mails, you must fill in a disclaimer to join. Click here to join
Add Me to Spoiled Bratz Adz
Contact List Leaders
for information.
Webby's Ads advertises lists also
and they have a website. For info or to join click on
Join WeBBys Ads.