I am a proud member of
CLAW. My new
kitten sister, Storme, joined also and is helping me at the Furship Guild, which is
associated with CLAW. The Club has
something for every cat or kitten. Claw is an active internet cat community with
a University, library, theatre, committees, chapel, guilds, Kittengarten and
much more! Please be patient when loading this page, we have a lot of Club
related pictures ,which keeps growing, my apologies, for you to view.
I have more awards and information at Mysty's
Lounge. The main information is here.I was surprised to discover I earned the rank of Princess of
Storme has reached the level of Baroness!

The Furship Guild, which Mysty is Guild Mistress of is associated with Claw, but is an
independent Guild, which means anyone can be a member.
Storme graduated from Kittengarten.
She did well in all her classes.
Whenever I travel I
proudly wear my Club crown
. Meomie finally
scanned my picture, doesn't the crown look great? I was caught napping with
it on one day! shh..
I learned how to rule my human, play safely with string,
self-defense and received University degrees, Bachelor of Claw Catship
Degree and Master of Feline Sciences.

I was honored to receive
Storme and I are on a few committees and
purr for those who are ill or crossing
the Rainbow Bridge
with Lil
Bit, Penny and Minuet in the Purring Paws Society.
I'd like to take a minute and remember meomie's first cat, Smokey,
our dear friend, Troubie, who crossed and so many more. We are slowly honoring
many at our Furship
Memorial pages.
She was a loving gray cat. This has been a very hard year with so many tragedies
and natural disasters to purr about and many dear members have faced illnesses.
Recently, many of our dear furriends have crossed over the
, purring strong for all.
Let's take a minute and purr for all those, who have been ill and for all
those in shelters looking for homes. I and my sister are shelter adopted.
There are many committees to join like Furship, welfare, social committee
and more, where you can meet fellow friendly cats. The Furship Guild will be
celebrating another Anniversary soon. If you would like to become a member,
visit Claw and sign on in the Computer room
or write me for help. If you want to see our latest activities and information,
check out our
Furship Guild Recreation Room . Members are currently involved in contests,
visiting each other's guestbooks, writing Meomie Day poems, Earth Day
remembrance and more.
I am the older than Storme and am a member of the
Senior Kitties
Membership is open to all. You can apply at Claw
or write Mysty, tell
them Mysty sent you.
I adopted a cute cyberkitten, Clawster, from Claw
. They even provided me with food,
a scratching post and catnip for her.
Now where did
I put the string and catnip?
Mysty has her own
adoptions now at Mysty's
Adoption Haven.
We have three newer adoption pages additionally.

I received Service Awards, a great honor from Claw. Thank you all!
All Club Cats are very nice and helpful.
Sign Guestbook or
View Guestbook!
We earned this
while reading through
the books at the Claw Library Open House.
Our Club activites have been growing, as is our page, so more
at Mysty's
Check the bottom of our page for the Claw web ring!
More Sister clubs and information can be found at Mysty's
The Furship
Guild is an active Guild. Furship is a Guild for furship, friends and fun.
Memfurs help and support each other with contests voting, visiting each other's
pages, welfare, computer info, have contests, and much more! To Join please sign
up at the Claw Computer Room or
email me for
Click here for my home page

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This CLAW Ring site is owned by Mysty
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Want to join the ring? Click here for information
The adorable welcome cat is from Cat Designs and the rainbow
bridge is from Catstuff.
Additional graphic links are at Mysty's
Graphics Library.
We now make our own Graphics, which are at Storme Millennium Graphic Platform.
This page was last groomed on April 4, 2005.