And Storme's Pad too!
Hi! I'm Mysty.
Welcome to my Site! I'm a calico tortie
cat famous for catnapping. Please click on a flower below and visit
our pages. Our site is always being updated or redecorated, please
check back. I have a new Kitten sister, Storme, who will be showing
up around my pages soon. She is a very frisky kitten and it looks like
she's going to be a tomboy! Oh Boy, do I need a nap!
Here's Storme!

Someone shared the link below and we
thought we would welcome Storme to the site
with it. Please Welcome her by clicking on
give Storme more
*Hugs* words! Thank you!
give Storme more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Don't forget to sign our New Guestbook
or leave
paw print!
Mysty's Garden
, a
garden of gifs, friends and family. The page has a newer gate I created
and more. If you wish
something like that of your own my human creates them at Storme Designs. We're on the
Garden Tour.
You can saunter down Halloween
Lane, all year long, and go through the Haunted House to Trick or Tr......
Meomie's making me new graphics and redoing the garden, so check back soon.
One year for Halloween we created The Haunted Courthouse for
the Fat is Fun special Fatsville
Halloween. Please visit!
Mysty's Porch, her Catriotic
Patriotic salute. Mysty re-decorated with her own border set. The candle and link for our
soldiers overseas was added. This year we added a Fireworks page.
For the
Fourth of July Fat is Fun Club celebration we have a page at
Moke and
Mysty's Celebration and
Sparkler Celebration. Souvenirs for members are there along
with a magic show by Moke and sparklers for your entertainment.
Mysty's Parlor, adopted cyber
friends, cat clubs, including CLAW, Fat is Fun, Naptime, Catuary, TCMC and more.
Graphics Library
and Graphics Shelf.
Links listed for some of the best graphic sites on the web. It had
been changed to two pages last year and updated recently. One lists our featured
sites of the month award links and the other is a list of more graphic
sites, which we alphabetized. We recently added links to both
pages, in April 2004 and added a new Featured Site award.
Mysty's Yard - animal welfare
page. There is links and information on pet welfare including how you
can click on a link to help feed an animal every day! This was
recently updated in April 2004. We have a new welfare Award you can
apply for and graphics.
The Writing Room
lists many email newsletters and page letters to join. Many are on AOL
where one can exchange embedded graphics through emails. A few are
graphic tutorial lists. Updated January 2004.
Mysty's Den, her Cat's Meow and Claw
Cat Club info page. Meomie finally scanned me and I'm wearing my crown.
Updated in April 2004. We've added Mysty's Lounge with
more Club information and a picture of her Scout Grandkitty.
I have a Cat Guild called the Furship Guild
Lodge Click on Furship Guild
Lodge or write me for more information. If you are a member, all the current activities are posted
in the Furship Recreation
Room. A roster of directors is located in the Furship Office.
The Guild went on an E-Nature
Adventure based on the tv show Survivor. They survived over
2 years and our
Survivor was Snowey! Furship is an Associate Guild of The
Claw Cat Club. The award pages for
Claw Furship cats for Winter are at
Claw Furship Awards I and
Furship Awards II. I am so proud to have received the below
award recently.

The Graphic Platform is at Meomie's site. It
contains an index to border sets,
cards, postcards
and graphics designed from original or
other pictures by me or Meomie. New sets and More postcards, border sets,
tags, animations and graphics were
added in April and May 2004. We designed Change of Address cards,
and Welcome Home Cards. She has a
Storme Millennium Tutorials also to learn how to make some
graphics. Other sets and graphics may be on our pages in the future, so stop
back soon.
Adoptions created with my own little paws with some help from Meomie are at The Adoption Haven,
Adoption Condo, Adoption Nest.
The Adoption
Porch was added more recently.
We finally have an almost complete, descriptive index for those who would like a more
comprehensive one page listing of our graphics. This index is at the Loft.
My human now has a professional site for her graphics and designs at Storme Designs. If you want an
design or help with a banner etc. Please visit. Meomie added two sets there in association
with a poster site in addition to samples and information. More samples added.
She also has a special offer.
Millennium Index is a new Main Index of all our family pages
including mine!
Be an angel and visit Meomie's
Millennium Care Site.
You can follow the links there to pages to help young humans.
Information on missing children updated as possible. Updated
March 2004 with new links.
Storme Central Millennium, meomie's
help/tip site, links recently added to services, and more.
Pour a cup of tea and play a game courtesy of Geocities at our
Tea Room. We added many Game links for Mahjong there and more January 2004.
We have a new game of MahJong at the
The Knotted Parlor - Mysty's page with her wink, Moke.
See all the wonderful gifts he gave her and read of their adventures.
Updated with animations.
Please Sign Guestbook
View Guestbook!
My Old Guestbook is no longer working, but can be
viewed below.
Please click the above links to Sign and Visit the
New Guestbook, Thank you.
Mysty offers awards at the Mantle.
We added one of our border sets to the page. New awards to be posted
Visit our banner exchange at Mysty's Board Room.
Mysty is on a Virtual
Visit Mysty's
Study, where the d*g is allowed. Important animal information is
posted there.
Our Graphic site now offers some graphic tutorials at
Storme Millennium Tutorials. We also just finished a more comprehensive Index of our
Tutorials at Storme
Tutorial Index.
We have a variety of card pages for you to send your friends
at Storme
Millennium Cards.
Please click here and Add your
URL to our Add-a-Link
Page. Over 80 links to visit. I would enjoy visiting your page and leaving my
The graphics and gifs on all our pages can be copied, when the artist allows. We try
and note all the artists and their preferences. The cute green-eyed cat is by Kitty Roach's PageWorks and
cannot be copied from our site. If a link is not on this page, it may be on another page
and the Graphics Library.
Remember always right click to copy a graphic and save as target or picture. Most all Storme Millennium
graphics can be copied.

I have a new kitten sister, Storme. Her
pictures not online yet, but if
our pages are messed up, you know she has been
playing with the keyboard!

I am so proud to have received the above award
from my wonderful friend, Shamus.