~~~~~~~ The first Legacy
Smooths ~~~~~~~
(Painting by Virginia Ashlock O'Connor, 1984)
Ch. Foxden Warlord C.G.,
(Ch. Foxden Warspite X Ch. Foxden Painted
Bred by Mrs. James A. Farrell, Foxden Kennels
(1983 - 1994)
Click here to visit
The Foxden

~~~~~~ The Foundation ~~~~~
Ch. Foxmoor Quissex Fantan,
ROM "Polly"
(Ch. Foxmoor Macho Macho Man X Ch.
Foxden Flavia)
Polly was bred by Winnie Stout
(1983 - 1998)
There is NO substitute for
a good
foundation bitch. Polly was...
a GREAT one!
To see Polly's remarkable Legacy
of famous
descendants, click on

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