Debby's Place
Live Long and Prosper!
I enjoy collecting vintage Barbie dolls!
I have quite a collection but the quest continues!

I also enjoy writing poetry and stories for children. I am working on a collection of childhood stories which my family enjoys.
And as you can see I am somewhat of a Star Trek fan or trekkie.
Hi Teresa, Mikey, and John!

MATTEL's Barbie Collectibles
- The dolls you loved as a child have now become collectibles
for adults.
Barbie's DOLLS
- Collector Barbara Williams sells N.R.F.B. (not removed from boxes) dolls.

Note: Barbie graphic is from Barbie's DOLLS.
- A good source for collectors of all kinds including Star Trek and more Barbie links!
Interesting Places for Kids
- An award-winning website for kids by Stephen Savitzky at the California Research Center.
Aunt Annie's Craft Place
- Crafts and fun projects for kids.
- Another great site for kids - games, books, etc.
GeoKidz Club
- The Official Geocities Club for Kids!
Family Web sites
My Son Mikey's Page at Bearlovr,
My Daughter Teresa's Page at Teresa,
- Sister Kathy at The Nash-Dillion Family, (A FEATURED Home Page!)
- Sister Jody at Jodeli's, (Jody has had over 2000 visitors!)
- Sister Carol at Doglovr, and
- Nephew Chris moved to the Red Carpet Room.
- Visit Chris's other page at REDCARPETROOM2
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to my homepage. Stop back soon.
© 1999/2000 MARWICK4@aol.com

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June 1, 1998

November 1, 1998
The authors--Jody & Kathy--are members of
Last updated on April 2, 2000.
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