Daves Navy Career
Dave & Yurika's Wedding
Taryn's Wedding
Kristen's H.S. Grad
Elicia's Army Graduation

Washington DC Trip
It has been a while since we last updated out page.  We just got back from Washington DC.  Nick is out here again, visiting us for the summer so we decided to take him to the Nations Capital.  Pretty awesome trip, seeing everything that it has to offer.  You can click on the link to your right and see a little of what we saw while we were there.  As far as the rest of the fammily goes, Elicia just graduated from Army Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood and is now going to school in some secret place located in Arizona.  All we know is that it is SUPER hot there.  Kristen and her husband, Mark are doing great in Georgia with their new house and are trying to have a baby :)  Taryn, Joel and our two grandbaby boys, Cassius & Jovanni are still in Belgium having too much fun (yes, we are jealous).  The Nickman is lives in Redding, California now and is becoming a football superstar. Someday we'll see him playing pro ball. Yurika is still going to school, she is only taking one class for the summer semester though, Biology (she's not very thrilled about the class).  Dave has been working on a project.  He seems to be pretty enthused about....if you are interested in learning more, you can click here.
   We hope that everyone out there is doing well.  Please send us an email and keep in touch.  Friends and Family are so important to us..

Dave -N- Yurika
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