In Loving Memory

of Our 60+ Chatters

On March 13th the 60+ chat room
lost a very dear lady. Lynn Armstrong
passed away in her sleep, after a
couragious battle with cancer. She
will be missed by all!

A Hero,,,,,Our Friend

Here was a lady so full of life
Never compained , or talked of her plight.
She came in the room, a smile on her face.
Ready to challenge the guys to a race.
She caused much laughter, I am sure she shed tears,
But we never saw them over the years.
She was a fighter, one heck of a gal.
whoever came into the room was her pal.
She loved golf, from which, nothing detered
She bought a Big Bertha, it was bigger than her.
Small in stature but big of heart,
who's life we all became a small part.
The Cancer that claimed her was her private war,
Some in the room never knew it before.
So come in the room, keep it gay,keep it light
The way she would want it, if she were alive.
Now she has left us, remember her name.
Lynn Armstrong our friend, at peace once again
Written by Kare

Charles E. Earls
( Shantyboat )
June 7,1927 - July 2, 1998

Shanty will truely be missed by many. He was so jolly
and loved talking to people in the chat rooms. He was
a man not only dedicated to the town where he lived, but
also his family. Through the years he had spent many hours
on city council, as well as being Mayor of his town. Shanty
spent alot of time with his children and grandchildren, and
you could tell, they were the highlight of his life. He
loved to joke and tease and was so much fun in the chat room.
Being I was from a Navy family and grew up in Norfolk, he
would always tease me about being from "spit city". I don't
think it was one of his favorite duty stations.(G) Shanty and I
were both Nascar fans, and we rooted for different drivers. So
on race Sunday, there was always teasing about who would win.
Will I miss Shanty? You bet! I know he is being well cared for,
and looks down on us in 60+ chat! Big Virginia (((HUGS))) to you
Shanty !!

Leonard Garbe
( Flyboy )
January 27,1926 - July 4, 1998

What can I say to discribe Flyboy? He was such a sweetie,
and will surely be missed by all the chatters in the 60+ chat
room. He seemed to enjoy chatting with people, from all walks
of life, and always had something cheerful to say, to whom
ever he was talking. In April, he was determined to go to
a get-together that was planned in Vegas. Although he was
really not in any shape to go, he did. I think his presence
there, was one of the highlights of the trip, for many. Flyboy
certainly put his family first and really loved them all very
much, as they did him. Only a few days after celebrating his 50th
wedding anniversary, Flyboy seemed to be loosing his courageous
battle with cancer. There surely has to be a special place above
for our dear friend "Flyboy". Rest now Flyboy and big (((HUGS)))

Phyllis Murphy
January 27,1932 - November 17,1999

The famouse dress split so high
We teased and kidded about showing her thigh.
But she was a lady, and will be greatly missed,
A friend, who helped all, when put to the test.
In the 60+ chat she was all fun and games,
Knew everyone there, and called them by name.
And now in real life she has passed away.
But in our hearts she will always stay
We think of you often, we always will
Goodby WITCHY, we love you still.

Written by Kareoke
"...I'll bet she's lurking right now with her
laptop and taking in all that's going on with a
big smile. Gosh but she's going to be missed. What
a wonderful lady and what an inspiration to everybody.
She fought her illness with everything she had in her. But
when the time came, she was ready, because
she knew exactly where she was going. We're all thankful,
I'm sure, for having her here with us as long as we did.
Enjoy your heavenly rewards, good friend. You'll always
be remembered for your wonderful friendship
and your infectious sense of humor".

Robbie747...May 2001

Nick Gantner

( Mikee123 )

April 18, 1925 - July 1, 2001

Nick loved to play Blackjack at Atlantic City,
Chatting with his friends in the 60+ chat room,
going to U.S. Marine Corps meetings,
hanging out with his daughter,son-in-law & grandchildren.
He also enjoyed taking pictures with his digital camera
and then fixing them and making cards on his computer
and sending them to everyone.

"We'll mis the enthusiasm, his advice and especially his caring.

We miss you , Nick!"

Martha Michele
( Bluebird / Gabby )

Feb. 5, 1943 - July 14, 2001

Bluebird has found her wings

Our friends in the chat room use'handles'
and Bluebird was her first
She used a little bluebird sitting on a tree branch perch.
She told us of her family, of which she was so proud,
sometimes using print real big, like shouting it out loud.
Then changing her handle to GABBY she said 'it's more like me'
But she was a quiet lady with pride and dignity.
For when we met in Vegas, this gal with a southern drawl
was shy and very excited,and not real gabby at all.
It is sad to lose such a real good friend,
we will miss her in the chat
And whenever we see a bluebird, we will feel that she is back.
She found her wings, and heads for home, this life is at an end.
It was a privilege Gabby, for us to call you FRIEND.
by Kareoke


We chat, we laugh, we cry.
But whatever it is we do, we do it together,
For that is the meaning of FRIEND.
Today we mourn such a friend, her name was Patsy,
Best friend to some, a new friend to other's
We will smile when we remember certain things
that were said between us, and there will be some tears,
BUT if you knew Patsy you will also know she that would
expect the chat to go on as usuall, remember her with
laughter not sadness, and greet new members as she
would have, with a smile and a genuine
"hello, good to see you".


( 3 Cats )

This is Shirley, better known to all the 60+ chat room as 3 cats.
She passed away November 2003 and will be sadly missed by all.


( Pianola )
Passed away Jan.25, 2004

Another good friend of the WBS 60+ chat room, he will be
rembered for his poetry he often posted in the room, he also
loved playing the piano.


Passed away March 15,2004

I "borrowed" this picture of Twink from her home page, but I am
sure she will not mind, she was a very good friend, not only to me
but to so many in the chat rooms. She spent hours on her home page,
and sending cheerfull emails to us all every day, to cheer us up.
She will be sadly missed by all.


( Woody )
Passed away July 9th, 2004

Real name was Homer. What a sweet guy. Didn't have much to
say in the chat room. Homer was so sweet and easy going. People who
had never had the chance to meet him, really missed out on something.
He met his wife here on the internet and soon married her. They so
looked forward to making this trip to Alaska, and this is where he
suffered a massive heart attack. In my heart, I know he died happy.
He was so devoted to his wife Darlene...and he made her so happy.
We have lost a dear friend. Rest in peace, my friend.

After Glow

I'd like the memory of me
to be a happy one.
I'd like to leave an afterglow
of smiles when life is done.

I'd like to leave an echo
whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times
and bright and sunny days.

I'd like the tears of those who grieve,
to dry before the sun
Of happy memories that I leave
When life is done.

Carol Mirkel

Some people come into our lives and quickly go
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts,
And we are never the same....


Hold fast to your memories,
to all of the cherished moments
of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure
of fond yesterdays
that you shared and spent together,
and they keep the one you loved
close to you in spirit and thought.

The special moments
and memories in your life
will never change.
They will always be in your heart,
today and forevermore.

Linda E. Knight

If you can spare a minute more,
I'd love to hear from you.
Please sign my guest book before leaving.

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