10/04/98 11:35:43
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Comments:
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
- 08/17/98 02:03:23
Mark Henninger - 08/12/98 00:31:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/ChristianFaithAlive
My Email:mark333@enter.net
Greetings in the Name of Lord Jesus!
James Beardsley - 06/07/98 02:59:22
My Email:jamesb58@hotmail.com
Very Nice! I like it!
Thomas Borka - 06/06/98 13:53:52
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/waukeshasalvationarmy
My Email:tborka@juno.com
Pretty good site, I especially like the embeded music in it.
Philip Hale - 04/30/98 20:52:30
My URL:/Colosseum/Sideline/3373
My Email:philip_hale@hotmail.com
Bowman, G. - 04/26/98 12:32:40
My Email:gbowman@coredcs.com
Pretty Kool, if you ask me! Now I know what you do in your spare time. (hehe) It appears that I will have to be excused on the May 16th. I have a business meeting that requires my presence. Since becoming self-employed it does take more time. KEEP me posted and we'll stay in touch. jer