Miss Cricket
Hi I'm Cricket (Pictured below). I'm a little girl and I will be 8 years old on February 20, 2002. I weigh 4.4 pounds and I'm 9" tall. My hobbies include: playing ball, chasing kitties, playing ball, barking at birds, and did I mention playing ball? I love my house and my humans. I have been with them since I was a newborn puppy. The reason they call me "Cricket" is because I was the size of a cricket when I was born they had to wrap me in a white washcloth so they wouldn't lose me. At birth I was 1 1/2" long and weighed 1/2 an ounce. I finally got real hair when I was about 9 months old. Until then I looked pretty funny with just patches of so-called hair/fuzz. Anyways, that's about all there is to know about me.

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