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**********THE LOVES OF MY LIFE**********
Connie ~ 1989 - July 21, 2003
Abused & Abandoned, she agreed to live with me in 1991.

Connie's Memorial ~ gently touch the butterfly

Brad, Spike & Bob


A very important number to jot down for emergencies!
Brought to my attention by Fur 'n Feathers.
February 1987-February 15,
My angel, Rosita, The Rose ~
Rest in peace. I will miss you always.

Another lost soul arrived at the door in June 2005. (Declawed little bobtail.) Was not able to find owner so then there were 5. UPDATE Aug.26, 2005. Missi attacked Bob and he spent a week at the Cat Doctor's recovering. A new home was found for Missi and she is happy in a one feline home with a golden lab as her playmate.

Missi June
Bobby ~ An injured blackie someone dropped off in our yard. Approximate birthdate 1994. My remarkable vet saved everthing but his tail. COMING SOON ... BAD BOB'S OWN WEBSITE with tell-all inside scoops on the life of a bully cat that absolutely HATES cats....
note: Missi June tamed Bob. They even worked as a team browbeating the others. ~DISREGARD. BOB NO MATCH FOR MISSI. 3/19/07 ~ Darlene is onboard. A new face in the house. Will she last with Bob & Frank? Darlene, a 4 year old spayed female Blackie with non-contagious health issues. Has been in the yard off and on for 3 of those 4 years but never tame. Till now. Stay tuned.

Spike ~ March 1989 - October 10, 2005.
Diagnosed with Diabetes 12/11/01. My caring vet got me on the right path to helping Spike live with Diabetes. It is NOT an immediate death sentence. If you have a feline diagnosed recently and need any non-medical questions answered, please email me.
After my vet retired I found Dr. Beth Buchanan, "THE CAT DOCTOR" in Suntree, FL and she became our new vet. Spike switched to PZI and after a little help from Dr.B he had more quality time. Unfortunately, other things began to deteriorate and I had to say good bye to wonderful Spike today.

Here is little crazy Bradley...better known as Boops. Born in 1989, he is Spike's brother. He was the runt of the litter, and still looks like a kitten. He is the only one who can play with Frank and get away with it.

Sadly, I have now lost Bradley, who has gone to be with his brother Spike. March 1989 - July 3, 2006
AND THEY JUST KEEP COMING......the latest is Katy. A young kit herself with 4 babies. The one that looks like her is named Conway. The blackies are too wild to find out if they are male or female. They are all outdoors/porch dwellers for now. Dougie is the father. He is a stray that has come and gone for the past several years, becoming tame enough to pet. He has a litter of kittens with another young kit that looks just like him, as do the kittens. He brought her to me then she left and Katy & her newborn tribe came. Dougie is a tuxedo with a tail missing a strip of hair and other battle scars. I will get him neutered soon. Darlene was his girlfriend for a few years but now she is inside. She is spayed. I have a lot of squirrels, and one, Mrs. Chip, was like a pet. She was getting older and had raised many little squirrels. She was extremely tame and just didn't have the speed to evade Dougie the final time. I could not hold it against him since he IS a cat. Perhaps that is why he is bringing me all these kittens...to make it up to me. Pix of Darlene and Dougie coming soon. Sept.08. Thru the summer, Dougie, one of his tuxedo kits, and one of Katy's & his kits, were killed by speeders on our small side street. Now I have two of the kits from Katy inside. Katie has been adopted by a neighbor and is inside. Only 1 tuxedo spayed and 1 blackie neutered from Katy remain outside, still too unsure of me to come inside. More ferals have shown up for food, but non I can approach yet.

Conway all grown up

~~~~~~~~~INTERESTING LINKS~~~~~~~~~~
click the pic
Feline Diabetes Info
FUR 'N FEATHERS...Voted BEST for Animal Rights. The marvelous lady behind the causes was Virginia Trendall. February 7, 1905 to January 2, 2007.
Until her website is removed, please click on and enjoy it. Her death is such a loss to all.
E-Cards and E-Mail that help save Wildlife
Copyright � 2001 Furr Angels !)

Click the white paw for CATMEISTER'S CHRISTMAS


The FRANKMEISTER ~ Frank Sinatra White
Music is Memories from "CATS".
Now go hug the dog....