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In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

As' Salaam Alaykum and welcome. A little about me and this site; I go by an alternative name of Zahra and I have been Muslim for over ten years. This site was first started back in 1997, since then it has gone through many changes along the way as I have become more learned over the years; it is also my personal web site dedicated to Al-Islam and Women.

I am not a scholar by any means; I am constantly learning and looking for ways to improve myself. Insha'Allah, reach out to others in a positive way. This site is for those who may be interested in learning about how, through the beauty of Islam I found my way in this crazy mixed up world of ours. Also this site is to educate others about Al-Islam and how women are really being treated. As I am a Muslim woman I find it disturbing that many non-Muslims view women of Islam as suppressed, dependent, and pathetic. On the contrary it allows us as women to grow and be able to become whatever it is we want (as long as it is in bounds of the Islamic Laws), as mothers, wives, teachers, doctors, lawyers and most of all, allows us to be treated with our born given rights of being human. If you think that if a woman covers she is being controlled or suppressed, then you are mistaken.

Allah had told Prophet Muhammad to tell his wives, daughters and all believing women to cover to protect themselves from harms way. As stated in Al-Qur'an: 

"O Prophet! say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments; this will be more proper, that they may be known, and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (Al-Qur'an: The Clans; 33:59)

This is why we Muslim women observe the veil. To respect the request of the Ever-Living, Who shall not die, Who has full knowledge of all that is hidden.

In my research of great women in Islamic history. I have found some information on Lady Khadija ~The Mother of all the believers, Fatima al-Zahra ~Daughter of the prophet and Zainab ~Granddaughter of the prophet. Peace and blessings be upon them. There are many other great women of Islam, some even live in today's "modern" world.

With this site containing information about women and Islam. I would like to direct your attention to a cause that I find very important and that is Spouse-abuse. I encourage every person to read these articles, for it is not just about Muslims; but every woman that has been verbally, physically and mentally abused by a spouse or a loved one. These acts go against all Islamic teachings and ways.

Want even more information about women of Islam? Then go check out this excellent site, Zahra's Haven.

For those who may be interested in learning about Kuwait from a Kuwaiti viewpoint. Go to Naser's Al-Kuwait site.

Find all the lasted news about Muslims from all around the world and much, much more at my favorite spot Shia News.

For those who are new to Islam or interested in learning more about Islam, there is a newly developed site called The Enlightenment. Their goal is to help spread authentic Islam of Al-Qur'an, traditions of Prophet Muhammad , Islamic Laws and some history of Islam. 


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